Part 11 : Piece of you

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They spent most of their second week together having lots of married sex.

Well, 'lots' might even be an understatement given the amount of sex they had that week. To be honest, he was surprised he could still get it up after he and Gulf spent the weekend going at it like rabbits. He could probably blame that fact on his husband's ability to arouse him like no one else did just for simply existing.

Then again, it wasn't as if his husband wasn't aware of it either if the way he'd kept parading around like a tease was of any indication.

The week after that wasn't much different either, although the sex had to be kept to the minimum because of real life responsibilities. His piling work was one, and Gulf's very untimely new job at the tv station was another. And then there was their weekly session with their mentors, which, in his opinion, would have been a complete disaster if P'Ter wasn't there with them in the room to salvage it.

The trouble wasn't just because he and Gulf weren't talking, as P'Ter had very seriously pointed out to them when the other mentor, P'Kwan left the room for a badly needed break, because it was obvious that their silence wasn't something they both agreed they would do once they entered the room knowing everything they would say in there would be closely analyzed. No; it was the fact that they were being protective of what they were both building together, overly so, the relationship and the marriage in particular, thus the unconscious effort to keep their mouths shut thinking it was the right approach.

Mew remembered almost saying something, but P'Ter still beat him to it. "But I'm not saying it's wrong because it's not. It's not, okay? I know this might come out weird after all that talk about you allowing us in so we could help you but I have to tell you that you're doing so much better on your own that I have a feeling you won't need us any longer. Your silence said so much about how you want your marriage to be handled, and I swear I'm with you on that one but you have to know that at one point, you might still need your mentors' help to navigate through all the other complicated stuff you will certainly encounter in the future. And I'm not saying I'm hoping you would, but just in case it happens, we're here for you. Just like we were here when you signed up for the program, when we paired you together not just because we knew you would be perfect for each other but because we were hoping you would be."

Needless to say, they left that room in a much better mood than when they entered it hours before.

The weekly tasks, however, were a different matter altogether. Although they were given to them at the start of each week to be accomplished at the beginning, the ones they were given after their first week together weren't strictly to be done right away. They were also given just a couple of tasks at the start of their third week together, one of those two tasks they both agreed they would get right into today after postponing it for several days.

One of the two tasks was this : Have his friends come over for dinner so they could meet his husband.

Truth be told, it was a simple task. So simple they could have accomplished it right away if it wasn't for Mild messing up his plans a few nights ago by coming over unannounced. His friend even had the audacity to tell him he didn't need to be invited, that he had first dibs on meeting his husband before anyone else, meaning their other friends, simply because Mew owed him.

"You wouldn't have married this beauty after all if it wasn't for me so, you know, you're welcome." Mild had said as he proceeded on introducing himself to Gulf, much to his husband's chagrin.

He sighed, paused at the sight of his husband moving about in the kitchen, caught unaware that Mew was staring. He leaned sideways against the wall, arms crossed over his chest as he looked Gulf over. There's that all-too familiar warmth washing over him yet again watching Gulf in Mew's own kitchen as if he'd always belonged there, his back turned to him, perusing something on the shelf above his head.

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