Part 5 : First Date (Mew)

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They were supposed to leave the hotel early, at least after breakfast, but that obviously wasn't happening anytime soon given the fact that Gulf flat-out refused to leave the bed while muttering something about cruel husbands and going back to sleep , successfully crawling his way under the covers with minimal effort. This close, Mew could barely see anything apart from the mop of dark hair Gulf hadn't managed to hide under the comforter sticking in all directions.

The sight was adorable as it was hilarious and Mew had no idea whether to be amused or charmed or both. But given the fact that he was giggling helplessly watching Gulf's tall body settling under the covers and making himself seem as tiny as he possibly could while he himself was simultaneously trying his very best not to reach out and run his fingers through the younger man's hair, the answer was pretty obvious.

Part of him was convinced they were going to be reprimanded for today, given his husband's unwillingness to leave the bed but for both their sakes, he decided he should at least try.

"Nong, our schedule says we need to be out of the hotel by 9:30. The gallery opens around 11, and the drive there might take at least half an hour. I'm not sure if we can finish checking everything out before 1, since we're supposed to have lunch at 1:30 so -" he said, words trailing when all of Gulf disappeared beneath the comforter, leaving him gaping at the younger man.

"Oh my god, are you seriously going back to sleep? Gulf? Hello?" he whined, poking Gulf through the covers and snickering when his husband visibly vibrated under the covers before grunting in answer.

"I have no idea what you just said, Nong." he countered, grinning.

More rustling as he sat there, amused beyond amusement itself. "I said I heard you, P'Husband. Now, will you go away, please." his husband bit back, almost like a whine, his voice muffled by the pillow where he had his face mashed against but was clear enough for Mew to hear.

He'd honestly considered tugging the covers off, if only to remind his husband that they were here on a mission - that was how he referred to the tasks written on their itinerary in his head - and not just for their supposed honeymoon, but the sight of Gulf curling in on himself and making himself as tiny as he could possibly be made Mew stop just the same.

He glanced at the clock sitting on the nightstand before darting his gaze back into the lump Gulf made under the covers and sighed. It was already half-past eight; the itinerary said breakfast should have happened an hour ago, but Gulf obviously wasn't interested. He himself had been awake since six, had already showered and got dressed to start the day according to their schedule, but he obviously didn't count on his husband being quite this difficult to deal with so early.

So he married a pretty boy who disliked mornings. Good to know.

His stomach growled on cue, his body clearly making the decision for him despite wanting to stay here and wait until his husband decided to join the land of the living. Unlike the younger man, his body was used to this - waking up early and going through the necessary steps that would enable him to be ready within minutes. Obviously, Gulf was not.

He heaved another sigh and gave his unmoving husband a look.

"Fine, you sleep in. I'm going down for breakfast. When I come back, I hope you're awake enough to discuss our itinerary for today." he said, leaning over to drop a quick kiss to the top of Gulf's head before he could even stop himself.

He was pulling away just as quickly when he realized what he'd done, chuckling to himself as he stood. He was about to turn around when he caught sight of the covers being thrown aside, Gulf emerging from beneath it before he could say anything. The younger man seemed to be struggling to pull himself into a sitting position, eyeing him blearily from the cocoon of covers he had gathered around his person. He looked so tiny and vulnerable sitting there, squinting at Mew from that relative distance and making Mew's chest tight at the sight.

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