Part 2 : Meet the husband

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Gulf figured they could pick up where they left off - both of them had gone silent right after he'd told the other man he'd known it from then that he was the one he was going to marry as well - once they got out of the car and maybe when they were finally at the privacy of their hotel room but he guessed he had forgotten about dinner entirely, at least until his 'husband' had pointedly reminded him of it.

To be honest, if it was just him, he would rather skip dinner and its accompanying awkwardness in favor of taking a shower and hitting the sack. He wasn't exhausted per se, but with everything that had happened since morning, from marrying a complete stranger and getting in the car with him where they did small talks while they were on their way to the hotel where they would spend the entirety of the next three days together had pretty much brought the same effect.

But obviously, his husband was the kind of person who liked doing things properly. He'd suggested they postponed this dinner for another day, but P'Mew's reaction told him exactly what would be his verbal answer next.

P'Mew's hand stilled on the car door's handle, turning to him as if he wanted to repeat the question just to know whether he might be joking or what.

"Uh, but aren't you hungry?" he asked instead. The other man did look as if the thought of skipping dinner wasn't something he'd considered, not when it was specifically mentioned on the itinerary they'd been handed over (along with their marriage certificates) earlier.

He wasn't, not really, but he guessed he wasn't supposed to say that, especially not on the night of his wedding when they were supposed to be having fun. Or getting to know each other, for starters.

Well, shit.

Clearly, they would have to do things in reverse. Normal couples started from getting to know each other through dating, making sure they were compatible in many aspects first before taking that final plunge and marrying. Obviously, they didn't have that luxury. The 'getting to know' part had been entirely up to their mentors, the people who were responsible for assessing each individual's characteristics and pairing them to whoever they thought was perfect for them.

Gulf hadn't been lying when he said he knew he was going to marry the other man, despite not knowing who he was or how he was as a person back when they first met each other some weeks ago.

He smiled despite the uncertainty curling at the pit of his stomach and nodded his head in agreement.

"Maybe a little, yes," he said, to which his husband replied with a smile.

P'Mew took the paper sitting on the dashboard and pointed at it. "I guessed as much. Should we head straight to the restaurant, then, or would you rather check in first? I know it says here that dinner should be at seven, but I'm sure it should be okay if we're a little late."

He gave P'Mew a quick once-over and felt that unusual tug in his chest at the sight. He hadn't been wrong to think that the older man had his heart in the right place, and he was certain that the tender way he was treating Gulf wasn't just for show. He smiled before he could talk himself out of it and tilted his head in answer.

"I'm okay with either, really Phi. I won't say no about checking in first so we could maybe freshen up a little, but I won't say no in heading straight for dinner either. So, it's entirely up to you, P'Husband. This time, you decide." he said, and somehow, he realized it was the best answer he could have come up with because then P'Mew was grinning as if he couldn't help himself.

His husband reached over and surprised him with a gentle finger on his cheek, poking him playfully and then doing it again.

"Have I told you you're so cute? No? No? I have to remedy that soon," P'Mew was saying, and the smile that punched out of him right then was instantaneous. God, he knew the other man was something else, but he honestly didn't expect this side of him, the side that was very much capable of making him blush in so little time.

God, he might be a little screwed. 

"But maybe later," his smiling husband said, urging him out of the car. "Come on, let's have dinner first and then check in to our room later. I'm not sure what I might do if we do the latter first, especially when you're being so, ugh. Never mind." P'Mew said, shaking his head and throwing the envelope containing the itinerary back on the dashboard, turned to him to help him put his seatbelt back on before he could remember to do it himself.


The dinner was at a fancy restaurant he was certain he wouldn't be caught dining at on his own expense, one that served a fusion of Thai and Japanese dishes much to his companion's delight. The reservation was equally fancy, given that they were ushered right away to one of the booths that were certainly reserved for VIPs once P'Mew introduced them both to the person at the reception.

He would have felt kind of out of place if not for his husband's presence next to him, of P'Mew's hand settled at the small of his back as they followed the staff's footsteps guiding them to their booth. When they got there, the staff politely excused herself, leaving him and P'Mew to deal with the sitting arrangement themselves. The older man turned to him, the question evident in the hesitant smile he had on his face.

He shrugged and slid on the other seat before pointing on the opposite side for P'Mew. "Be easy to eat and talk when we're facing each other instead of sitting next to each other, don't you think?" he said by way of explanation, and glad that his husband simply nodded his head in agreement and slid on the seat opposite him.

It was silent after that, at least until another staff excused herself and stepped inside. Orders were taken next, P'Mew doing most because he couldn't be bothered to read the menu in front of him properly. He just remembered to ask if the restaurant had his favorite pork dish available before she turned around to leave, and when she nodded, he sheepishly asked it to be added too.

"So, you like spicy food?" his husband inquired a moment later, and Gulf found he was being watched. P'Mew had his elbow propped up on the table, his chin resting on his folded palm, a smile playing on his lovely lips. This close, Gulf could watch him too, and he swore he liked everything he was seeing. From the older man's brows, his expressive eyes, his nose, his cheeks, those prominent jaws and his lips made for kissing.

The last part made him lower his gaze, embarrassed for catching himself thinking about it.

He remembered the question and shrugged. "Just the right amount that my tongue can handle," he said. "You?"

P'Mew shook his head slightly, still with that lovely smile plastered on his face. It was too much for his heart to take this early, and yet still not enough.

"If I can avoid it, I will. But for you, I can try," he said, and damn it, what was that even supposed to mean? "I love sweets, though."

He arched an eyebrow at that, surprised but not really. P'Mew seemed like the type who liked sugary stuff more, given his tendency to sweet talk every now and then. The thought made him smile despite himself.

"Amusing, huh?" P'Mew said, as if he was trying to figure out what his reaction meant.

He shook his head. "A little," he said, "I didn't peg you for someone who prefers ice cream over spicy pork bbq though."

"Ice cream is my favorite," P'Mew mused.

He took a mental note of that, just in case. "Duly noted, P'Husband," he quipped, "So, I'm guessing you order some for desert, then?"

P'Mew threw him a wink. "Maybe."

He chuckled. So, he married a big guy with a sweet tooth. And a sweet smile and sweet everything. Good to know.

At least they were off to a good start. That was better than he'd expected, really.

And he liked it. 

Surprisingly, he had a feeling the older man did, too.

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