Today When I got home late, I asked my dad to steam the rice and cook the sausage, tsk, no, I'm drooling when I mention it now." "I even

bought a la carte."

"The cucumber and cabbage in the supermarket look really fresh , there are still fruits for sale!"

The things in the supermarket are so cheap that they cost nothing, and if you don't buy them, you will be at a disadvantage.

However, although soldiers can desert while on duty, they cannot return to the base, so they cannot go home to collect "deposits."

Since "money" is worthless, every household will stockpile some tacos just in case.

After all, when the tide of corpses came, the supplies in the rear often couldn't keep up. The people at the base had been hungry before, and the longest time was seven days without supplies, and their base didn't produce food, so they could only rely on the official and their own food reserves.

"I feel like I haven't eaten fruit in half my life."

"I haven't eaten much vegetables." "It's good to have

food! Didn't I go to Changfeng Base before? They produce food, didn't you read it?" , all the machines and manpower have been used, and the crops are all high-yielding, and just like this, the grain production target has just been achieved." "

Also, there are too many people who need to eat now, and the production cannot keep up. It's not bad, do you still want vegetables?"

These soldiers can still eat meat once in a while, but they can't eat vegetables once a month.

Feng Ling and her companions, who were sent back to the base, walked on the street, carrying bags of rice and snacks and drinks, and they were quickly stopped by residents.

With officials in charge and all the people serving as soldiers, the law and order of the base is not bad, and it is more orderly than before the doomsday.

There is still petty theft, but robbery and homicide have almost disappeared.

After all, anyone on the street could be a resting soldier-and catching a criminal can be rewarding.

The end of the criminals is not to go to prison to eat and drink for free, but to be locked up in the barracks, and the corpses will be used as cannon fodder when the tide comes.

The cost of crime is too high, and the possibility of success is too low. Only those who dare to commit crimes are warriors.

That's why Feng Ling and the others dared to walk on the street without any disguise.

"Where did you get these things?"

"There is still rice now? I almost vomited from eating tortillas."

"Bought with tickets?"

"I still have rice tickets at home! Can I change them?!"

Feng Ling They were surrounded by groups, and the residents asked questions all over the place. Some people even pinched the rice bags to make sure that they were full of rice. The eyes of those who pinched the rice bags were red.

"Where did you buy this rice!"

Their eyes were wild, but they didn't frighten Feng Ling.

Although Feng Ling really wanted to hide the existence of the supermarket - who knows how much stock there is in that supermarket, and whether these people can still buy it after buying it, but the current situation obviously cannot be concealed.

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