Chapter 14 - Electric shock

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Mohit came back from his 2 monthly long assignments. He was very reluctant to go for so long but it was his first major project which was very important for his career. So he had to go. He didn't inform anyone that he was coming as he didn't know he could make it and wanted to give his sisters a surprise only he didn't know that he himself will get a shock.

He knew that his sisters and Sai were scheduled to go to one of their relative's homes for attending some family function. From the doorman, he came to know that all the servants were relieved for the night. So there would be only Virat at home. He didn't want to interact with him so opened the door using his own keys and entered.

He found Virat's coat lying on the drawing-room sofa. He felt amused as Virat generally keeps very good care of his belongings and doesn't leave them here and there unlike him. With a surprise, he finds two glasses of finished mocktail there. Among them, one has a red lipstick mark. He murmured to himself "so my little brother took advantage of a vacant house and brought a girl to enjoy."

He listen to the romantic music coming from Virat's room and started walking towards it telling himself "too quick little brother, straight bedroom. Let's let the elders see the character of their darling son. Always comparing me with him. Wah Mohit great timing to come back."

He happily reached the doorstop of Virat's bedroom. As there was nobody in the home so the door was open. From the door, he noticed the beautifully decorated room and the couple dancing and kissing each other. As Virat was cupping her face so Mohit couldn't see the face of the girl. He was happy seeing this and clicked a few pics on his mobile. He was waiting for the girl to see the face of the girl and click his final pic. He in his mind was telling "turn girl show your face". At that moment she rested her face on Virat's chest facing toward the door. Mohit clicked the pictures but when he look at the picture he gets shocked. To confirm he looked toward the couple and uttered "Sai".

He couldn't take it anymore his happiness converted into grief and pain in a moment. He knew that he will never get Sai as she is his brother's wife. but he was sure that he will get an unwilling wife and unhappy married life. Might get a divorce one day. He expected though Sai is Virat's wife still Virat will not get Sai ever but here an all-decked-up blushing Sai is in Virat's arms. Blushing Sai!! Seriously whoever thought that the feisty jhalli Sai can blush and dollop like a model? How much she changes for the man in her arms. Today Virat snatched his friend Sai also, he can't be fiend with the girl who loves Virat. He felt hatred for the couple

Mohit was walking back towards his room but thought "I am in pain because of you two then how will I allow you to spend a romantic peaceful night. You spoiled my whole life Virat gave me pain throughout, I can at least spoil your romantic night." then he again came back to the door of Virat's bedroom. The couple was still in each other's arms forgetting the whole world. He clapped his hands to break their romantic world. The couple looked towards him but kept side-hugging each other.

Mohit said walking inside the room "wah what a decoration, romantic atmosphere, romantic songs, taking advantage of a vacant house. I never expected this from you Sai" Virat felt irritated and said "first look at your manners you walked inside our bedroom without permission. 2nd we don't need to take advantage of the vacant house we are a legally married couple and she is my wife."

Mohit felt anger surge in his body and he said "yes she is your wife don't need to flaunt it, her mangal sutra sindoor is shouting your marital status. From when did you become the sanskari bahu and dutiful wife?? You used to dislike him and now look at yourself you have changed yourself to seduce him. Is he so good at the bed that you forget yourself? " Virat become angry at this point and shouted back "stop your nonsense."

Sai kept a hand in Virat's chest to indicate to him to stop and said in a steely voice "I am really not interested to discuss my personal choices and bedroom secrets with you. I never dislike him, I used to fight with him because only he has the guts to challenge me back. And for your benefit I am saying clear and loud I love Virat, I love him more than myself. He might have ignored your vile words against him but I will not tolerate if you say ill about my husband or try to disgrace his reputation."

Mohi said with raw pain and hatred in his voice "You always snatched everything from me. When you are born from then always. First my parent's attention, love, appreciation, my sisters, and now my friend. everyone loves you, you are the best among all of us at everything, nobody cared what I want, always everyone cared what you wish for. I wanted the red truck for my 8th birthday but Baba gave you that because you got a chance in the best school.

You got a sports bike on your 18th birthday, you got your first car at your college. You still have cars lined in the driveway. I was older than you but I never get all these. Because you made them proud and I am ashamed of them. You studied in the best institutions always, you stayed in the best cities of the world, and you stayed in aboard. You stood first, you can play lots of games, you can sing, you can dance, you can play musical instruments, you can draw well even you can cook.

Though you were away from home still all the family members always thought about you only. See here also you got the best room in the house. Why am I blaming the family only? Destiny also always favored you. You got the looks, and height. Physic, merit, intelligence, humor, talent, sportsmanship all. Girls are crazy for you, you got married first though I was elder. In fact, my friend Sai chose you over me. She loves you and is ready to fight with me for you. Friends, family, relatives, destiny, God all favored you over me. Damm you. I hate you, Virat. I hate you from childhood and will hate you till the end of my life."

After venting his anger Mohit left Virat and Sai's room. After Mohit left Virat fell down on the ground. Sai quickly sat beside him and cupped his downcast face. Virat asked with a painful voice "am I really bad? Is it my fault that he has me so much?" Sai pulled his face into her chest and said "No Virat, it's not your fault. I have seen how much you tried to resolve the problem between you two before finally ignoring it. It's his insecurity and jealousy. Please don't take it at heart. Please."

She with lots of tries finally calmed Virat down and he slept that night keeping his head in Sai's lap.

Mohit other hand left the house in anger and get drunk in a bar. He watched the photos of Virat and Sai and cried. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and broke his phone in frustration. 

Guys, please check out my new Sairat stories also and tell m what you think about them.

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My protector


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Tere mere love story


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