Chapter 7 - Her new professor

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Sai's college reopens after a long vacation and she was happy that finally she will meet her friends. As she wanted to hide her marital status in college so she put a sindoor in the middle of the partition and then styled her hair in such a manner that nobody can see her wearing the sindoor.

She added some statement rings to cover up her engagement ring as part of the stack of rings. Lastly, her BFF gifted her a mangal sutra ring she wore in her right hand along with some more funky rings so no one questioned her.

When she reached college She met her friends Karishma, Riya, Anuska, Nisha, Prakash and Ankit. Karishma likes Mohit a lot so when she met Sai, she asked her about him and Sai didn't leave the chance to tease her. " Oho, someone is interested to know about my friend." Boys also teased her for her new style statement.

It was the third period of the second day when Dean entered their classroom along with a young man. He told "good morning students. I want to tell you a bad news and a good news today. Your Design professor Mrs. Agnihotri has taken maternity leave so she will not be able to take your classes this year. Instead of her, one of our ex-students is going to take this class at my request.

Here, meet your new professor Virat Chavan. He is a very talented architect. He has worked with world-famous organizations and designed masterpieces, now he is CEO of Chavan Architecture and Design. Virat will be a part-time teacher as he has his own company to manage. He is here going to teach Architectural Design. Man students asked for some classes in entrepreneurship, obviously, it's not in the syllabus but we are starting in request and Virat will take classes there also. Now Virat the class is yours."

Sai was hell shocked she had never ever imagined that Virat will come here as a professor. He didn't say regarding this at the home they had dinner together last night. She was angry and irritated.

Virat thanked the Dean and turned toward the class. "Guys I am here to tell you what I know and learn from experiences. So my classes will not be text-based but practical based on how we actually work in the outer world. Being just a few years senior than you all I know sometimes students don't have an interest in class just attain it for attendance. If anyone is here like that they can leave the class I will give full attendance. Don't do my class for attendance do it only if you want to learn. I am fine with a few attentive students but will not tolerate any disturbance in class.

We have a short time and lots of things to cover so without further wasting time let's start but before that those who want to leave please leave."

There are always a few students who are less interested in studies so when they get the offer of getting attendance without being in the classroom they left and Virat started his first class.

He started with some case studies and discussed some topics they covered last semester. His friendly but strict way of talking, and explaining things in a more practical way captured his students' attention very quickly. He announced the next topic and left leaving his students waiting for the next class.

When every one of Chavan family sat for dinner Sai said about the events of the college she wanted to know the matter but wasn't wanted to infuriate her professor she gave the ball to his sisters' court. As expected Shivani asked "Dada you joined Sai's college as a professor? when and how these happened? You haven't said anything?"

Virat raised an eyebrow seeing Sai's cleverness and replied "Choti I am alimony of that college also. Did you forget that I did my BE from here? So when today morning Dean sir requested me for teaching there part-time I couldn't say no. That's the story that I have taken some more extra responsibility along with running the company."

Sai remembers seeing Virat's photo in college records, he is not only an ex-student but the topper of his batch.

The next day Virat started his class with a projector and presented some of his own work and the class become hooked. Though there was an offer of not attending the class but get full attendance but nobody missed his class. In fact it also happens that senior or junior classes also attain his classes whenever possible. Sai also become a fan of his teaching along with others. She they stay in the same house but she never gets any extra advantage he never shared any study material with her in advance.  

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