Date night

816 22 1


"Where are we heading first" I ask leaning on Nialls shoulder.

"We're going out to eat first I'm taking you to a great restaurant" we keep walking until we reach the restaurant

"Niall are you serouis" I ask as we reach the doors of a McDonald's.

"Yes we're having dinner at McDonalds". He says taking my head and pulling me inside.

"I'll order and you find us a table deal?" He ask


I sit down at a two person table waiting for Niall.

"Demi?" I hear a British accent call my name. I turn back.

"Amy?" I say. She smirks and turns to see the line Nialls still at the very end of it.

"Listen Demi I know you have a fling with Niall but it won't last for many reasons. And I doubt he really loves you if he did why would he take you to a McDonalds. For mine and Nialls first date we went to this expensive restraint not a McDonald but enjoy your hamburger cow" with that she leaves not letting me finish. I feel the tears spring in my eyes.

"Demi are you ok" I hear someone say. I look up to see Niall.

"Yeah I'm fine Niall" I say wiping my eyes with my newly painted black nails.

"You're not fine what's wrong?" He asks again.

"Niall I swear it's nothing can you leave it". I say simply.


"Niall can I ask you something?"


"Why did you take me to a McDonald as our first date"

"Well you see all my other girlfriends on our first date I take them to a expensive restraint. Buy them the most expensive meal and stuff but I never really did think those girls liked me. They liked that I buy them stuff and treat them to good meals. Your different you don't care about that shit" he says hitting into his burger.

I blush and start eating mine


"London the place of awesome shopping" Nialls says as we head into a Hollister store.

"Niall at McDonald you said you didn't want to shower me with money and now you're taking me shopping?" I ask

"We're heading to the beach tomorrow with the guys and girls so I taught we could buy new swim stuff" he says shrugging.

So they bought swim stuff

💜Big ben💜

After shopping we headed to Big Ben. The son was going down and the sky was pink and purple and all those colors it looked perfect.

Niall asked two people if they could take a photo of us in front of Big Ben.

"Umm can you give us a count down please" Niall said to the girl taking the photo.

Niall stood close to me as the girl started the count down

"5": we pose

"4" we keep the pose

"3" Niall turns to me

"2" he leans in "

"1" he kisses me as the picture is taken

After a minute he pulls away and take the phone from the girl.

He sows me the picture

"It's perfect" I say kissing him again.

💙Scary movies💙

"Niall are you even watching" I ask we got home an hour ago and we changed into our PJs and turned on the first season of "The Walking Dead" as we snuggled on the couch.

"Nope not after that herd attacking that dude" I laugh

"His name is Rick sweetheart"

"I don't care" he said turning over so he was on top of me

"How about we don't watch" he says leaning in and kissing me.

After today I realized one thing

Amy was wrong this is love bitch


Hello people of the Internet. I came to you with this update.

Enjoy. Hahaha I'm not funny. But yeah I love the walking dead that why I mentioned it. And yeah enjoy this update

The day i first met you (diall/nemi)Where stories live. Discover now