Kujou specified the main objective was to gather information or proof of something being amidst. Under no circumstance were you to stir up conflict as the commission suffered enough backlash as of late.

Residents wouldn't be kind enough to give away information without some type of push. If no one had come to report anything before they wouldn't now.

The general wouldn't take that as an excuse. Rules are rules you supposed, if no one else complained who were you to question them.

Further, along the path, the troupe neared the small isolated village of Konda, nestled in a clearing just before reaching Ritou. The homes were made of traditional wood and thatched roofs, laid close to each other showing signs of a tight community.

As you crossed over the stone bridge at the entrance, you couldn't help but feel a wave of unease wash over you. The usually lively and vibrant village was eerily quiet, with only a farmer or two venturing out of their homes. The desolation of the village was in stark contrast to its usual warmth and welcoming energy, and you couldn't help but feel on edge.

As you walked further into the village, the tension continued to mount. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional creak of a door or rustle of leaves. You couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, and not by just one set of eyes. It was as if the entire village was watching your every move.

You tried to push the feeling of dread aside and admire the beauty of the old, preserved village. The traditional houses with their thatched roofs and wooden frames loomed over you, casting dark shadows on the narrow streets. The old, weathered doors and shutters were tightly closed, adding to the eerie stillness of the village.

Despite the apparent abandonment of the village, the occasional stray cat or dog could be seen darting about avoiding human sight, as if they too were wary of their surroundings.

Continuing to walk through the village, the feeling of being watched only intensified. The dark windows of the old houses seemed to stare back at you like empty eyes, and the silence of the village was unnerving. It was as if the very air was charged with an unspoken tension.

"Something is seriously wrong here... We should-"

"Don't even think about it," Fuuko interjected. "Our orders are to parole Ritou per the schedule. Thanks to the new recruit who was placed in your care as I recall we were already behind" Silence resumed over the group uncomfortably.

You on the other hand were fuming. 'Why am I the one seen as incompetent on the behalf of someone's blatant insolence?' You questioned to yourself and found no conclusive answer.  'I can't control his actions nor will I be blamed for them.'

With a huff, you halted in your steps. The two soldiers behind you stopped and eyed you in confusion, and eventually the two in front after hearing no synchronized footsteps.

"I'm not leaving" You stood glaring.

"What" Fuuko questioned with clear annoyance lacing his tone.

"You can lead everyone else to Ritou, I'm staying here." You repeated.

"Yeah... that's a hard no,"  He walked over and looked down at you although only standing a mere inch taller, an act of intimidation failed. "We're already down to five and it won't be going to four on account of you having an attitude."

"You think I'm the one with an attitude here?" You replied with your voice steadily becoming louder.

"Quite obviously and if you're done making a fuss let's move"

For a moment, the two of you stood there, facing each other in cold silence. The tension between you was palpable, and it seemed as though any sudden movement could set off a violent confrontation.

Finally, he threw his hands up in defeat. "Fine, fine stay here but don't expect this to go unnoticed by Madam Kujou" He warned, turning around to walk away .

"I'll report it to her myself, alongside a report of your questionable leadership."

As you watched him walk away, you noticed a sudden change in his demeanor. He abruptly halted and turned around, his eyes narrowing and his jaw visibly clenching.

His usually calm and composed expression faltered, and it was clear that your comment had deeply affected him. It was as if you had struck a sensitive nerve, and he was struggling to keep his emotions in check. You could sense the tension radiating from him and could see that he was fighting the urge to lash out.

After a few moments of intense internal struggle, he seemed to regain control of his emotions. He took in a harsh breath, as if trying to calm himself down. His jaw relaxed, and his posture relaxed slightly. Despite the clear agitation he had displayed just moments before, he seemed to be making a conscious effort to keep himself composed.

As he turned back around and continued walking away he signaled to the others to press forward.

You couldn't help but wonder why your comment brought out such a strong reaction in him. Whatever it was, it was clear that it had deeply affected him. You couldn't shake off the feeling that you had touched a raw nerve and that there was more to the story than what was immediately apparent.

Whatever it was you'd figure it out later, you had more immediate problems now that you were completely alone. The feelings of being watched never ceased yet grew stronger.


If Kujou was going to hear you out you'd have to bring in results. Especially now more than ever since you went and pissed off  Fuuko of all people.

'Archons I have anger issues...'

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