She was scanning the people and her eyes found mine. 

I didn't know I missed her this much until today. 

My lips involuntarily arched a smile but she did not reciprocate it. I felt the pain creeping up my chest when she averted her eyes.

One thing is clear, I didn't have the same effect on her as she has on me. My face fell when that reality hits me.

Of course, why would you have an effect on her? She's Alexandra Williams! The gorgeous Alexandra Williams, who can get any man she'd like and is super straight! The part of my mind shouted.

"Ohh, yeah. Sure. Umm, Cara? Please go with Alexandra." 

My eyes widened when I heard what David said. My eyes darted to Alex's face. It was very obvious that she was dismayed hearing my name. She opens her door and went inside limping.

"Umm, Dave... Can Lisa or Tom go?" I know she heard me as she glanced at my side before the door completely closes.

"No, Cara. Tom is with me and Lisa is with Cassey. So go, don't make her wait, would you?"

"Fine!" I mumbled under my breath.

I start gathering my things, I don't know exactly what she needs or what kind of help I will be providing to her so I carried my laptop, note pad and pen.

I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer before opening it.

As soon as I opened her door, five or six tall stacks of files are on the floor. Alex is on the couch, and her injured leg is on top of the coffee table.

Wow. I will have a long night. I thought.

Alex darted her eyes at me and seeing my facial reaction made her let out a soft laugh.

"I know, it's gonna be a long night." She said like she read my mind.

I walked towards her desk and set my things up. 

"So, what do I need to do?" I asked her eyeing her leg.

So flawless.

"Well... First, I need you to categorize all by dates, then by country. Segregate the contracts from the drafts..."

It was a long explanation, and hearing it made me tired already.

But hey, at least you're with Alex. I pushed that thought into the back of my mind. I don't need it today.

I start working and got so busy. These are a lot, I doubt we will finish everything tonight.

Time passed very quickly, if it were from my stomach rumbling, I wouldn't think of checking the time.

It's past 06:00 PM!

"Are you hungry?" I heard Alex ask.


"Yeah, you are. I heard it." She was smiling and I know I was blushing.

It was embarrassing for your Boss to hear your stomach growl.

I hid away my face from her. I could see from my peripheral that she took her phone and started typing or whatever.

"I ordered us some food." And she placed her phone back on the table.

"After we eat, you can go home. I'll just... try to finish here, I guess." I looked at her almost immediately.

"You will not be able to finish these tonight, It's a lot. Also, I'm not leaving you." I protest.

"It's fine, Greene. I don't want to take up much of your time."

"I'm staying, Ms. Williams." I firmly told her.

Her eyes searched for mine.

"Don't... say my name like that..." Is she really blushing? 

"Like what? Ms. Williams..." I repeated, trying to, yes, tease her."

"T-That, that tone. Stop it." She's stuttering, well, that's new.

I looked at her with amusement, she was still blushing and trying to hide it.

Did I just really make her blush? I feel like it was an accomplishment. 

"Stop staring at me, Greene!" She hissed. I smiled at that.

"Okay, Ms. Williams..." I turned my face to the documents but I know her eyes were on me, I could feel myself burning from it.

What was that? Was that flirting? I've never flirted with anyone else before so all of these are new for me. Well, everything I feel towards Alex was all new, anyway.

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