LEVEL 70 - "Transcripts"

Start from the beginning

POLICE: Hm. What happened next?

L/N: I saw Toga start to run into the forest before I saw one of the villains— It was only a glimpse before I saw a flash a teal and then my body felt.. frozen? Er... it was like I was transported somewhere else temporarily and was paralyzed. The villains quirk turns anything and anyone into marbles.

POLICE: And do you know which villain it was?

L/N: Compress. The one that talked fancily. All Might said it name was Atsu.. Atsu-something.. I forgot.

POLICE: (There was the sound of rustling papers for a moment) Ah. Atsuhiro Sako?

L/N: Mhm.

POLICE: Now, what can you remember next?

L/N: There was another flash of teal, and someone's hand wrapped around my neck before we — Bakugo and I — were pulled into the warp gate.

POLICE: What happened after you went into the warp gate?

L/N: There was an old bar, I only saw it for a few moments before they knocked me out.

POLICE: What happened when you awoke?

L/N: They noticed me immediately, and Toga kept asking to 'cut me up and cute and bloody.'


L/N: ...

(Silence dragged on for a moment before the police officer cleared his throat.)

POLICE: Right. Well, what happened after.. that?

L/N: They asked me to join their League, Bakugo was still unconscious at the time. (L/n rolled her eyes)

POLICE: (The police officer's lips quirked up in amusement) And I can assume you said no?

L/N: Mhm. They were rather persistent, but once they realized that I wouldn't say yes, they knocked me out again.

POLICE: What happened after that?

L/N: By the time I awoke, Bakugo was awake as well. He was yelling at them as I just stayed silent. Soon after, we were watching the television. Nothing much happens for another 5 or 6 hours.

POLICE: And after those 5-6 hours?

L/N: The news played again. It was the interview with EraserHead, Nezu, and Vlad.

POLICE: I see.. this was soon before your rescue.

L/N: ...Mhm. In the middle of when it was on Shigaraki ordered Dabi — the flame villain — to free our restraints. Dabi replied saying that 'we'll just fight back.' Shigaraki insisted, saying something about how since Bakugo and I are going to be joining them, they should treat us like members.

POLICE: So he took off the restraints?

L/N: Nope. He made the other guy, I think he called him Twice, do it. After Twice took off the restraints, Bakugo immediately went to attack Shigaraki.

POLICE: Were either of you hurt after that?

L/N: Hm? No. They ignored me, since I was still sitting in the chair and not fighting back. I would've normally fought back but... most of them are adults who have years more worth of training than I. Acting like I wasn't going to fight back was the best thing I could come up with.

POLICE: It was a smart idea, L/n. Multiple of them could have seriously harmed you if they wished to.

L/N: Mhm.. But they didn't seem to want to harm us. Er— Well, Shigaraki didn't, the rest seemed rather fine with murdering Bakugo. Though, they didn't, since Shigaraki was insistent of recruiting us.

POLICE: I see, that's good news then.

L/N: I suppose.

POLICE: What happened after?

L/N: I passed out.

POLICE: They knocked you unconscious?

L/N: No. I fell asleep.


(Silence dragged on for a moment before it was broken by L/n.)

L/N: I snapped awake when All Might destroyed the door— and wall.

POLICE: Ah, yes. The man has a hard time showing restraint.

L/N: That's to say the least. But after that, All Might did his heroic speeches and everything, Kamui Woods restrained the villains, Gran Torino knocked Dabi out, Edgeshot knocked out Kurogiri. Then the uh— black liquid stuff appeared out of thin air, Nomu's coming out of it. Then...

(L/n's face contorted into disgust.)

POLICE: If you wish to take a small break, we can—

L/N: No. No.. It's fine. The liquid teleported me and Bakugo away and infront of the villain that All Might fought, All for One. The feeling around him was.. suffocating.

POLICE: I see... If you wish to end it here, we can. The rest we have recorded, and we don't wish to make you re-live through traumatic memories if not necessary.

L/N: I... (L/n seemed to hesitate for a moment) Yes... please.

POLICE: Understood. This concludes the interview with L/n Y/n about her kidnapping. End recording.

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