Chapter 5

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Back at the small apartment, Charles had received word on who had bought the pendant. Opening the letter, everyone was anxious as he pulled out the paper and read it aloud.

"Sultan Heshmal. He bought it as a gift to his 15th bride." Charles sighed, they only brought the pendant because it was beautiful jewelry more than likely.

"Very powerful gift." Marion sighed as she paced.

"That's the thing, they may not even have bought it for the power, sultan bought that for his bride probably just because it was pretty." Derrick spoke up saying what Charles was thinking.

"Mr. Derrick, forgive the intrusion but your father is on the phone." the curator said with a lazy yawn.

Derrick followed the curator out of the room, to take the call in the curator's office. Charles undid his tie and tossed it aside. Marion was in front of her makeshift vanity brushing her hair out and she caught Charles' reflection in the mirror. He had already taken off his suit coat, and tie and was working on the buttons of his shirt. Needless to say all those feelings she was pushing away, were now resurfacing. Taking off his shirt and tossing it to the side, Charles went to unbuckle his belt when he then saw Marion watching from the mirror.

"See something you like, Marion?" he called out to her, clearly catching her in the act.

Marion looked down with a fierce blush on her face, just her luck to be caught. She could hear Charles walking up behind her and gently moving her hair from the left side of her neck to the right side. He bent down and began to whisper into her ear.

"How long can you deny it Marion? Just from that gaze you had on me, that tells me everything. You are fighting your wants and needs. Who knows what'll happen now that the pendant is out in the open, are you willing to wait and see if there can ever be a time we're together again?" he asked in a light hushed whisper.

Feeling the heat of his breath on her neck gave her goosebumps. He was right on one hand, if the pendant was used for bad purposes who knows what would happen to the world. Turning to face him, she looked up at him through hooded eyes.

"Just say the word and you and I can be together in that bed within a matter of seconds." he said as he gently caressed her face.

"Is that all you want from me?" she asked, completely taking him off guard. "Just sex?"

"I-uh-well I mean to say..." he stuttered in reply.

"Then the answer is no. We're going to regret it one day. Yes I want that same connection we had in bed but I want it to translate to other aspects as well. Maybe I just thought about only our physical pleasure and not what it would cause in the long run. Feelings are there and maybe you don't have them but-" she started as Charles grabbed her head and kissed her deeply, passionately.

Marion was surprised, she thought he would get angry and walk away. Now he was kissing her with a lot more passion that he used to have.

"Don't you dare to believe I have no feelings for you, I've liked you since high school, loved you since college and I don't know what more I can do besides tell you that." Charles told her as he pulled away and looked deep into her eyes.

"You love me?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"Of course I do, why else do you think I follow you all over the globe?" Charles said as he wiped the tear from her eyes.

"I don't know, I just, I thought you did but I wasn't sure and then Derrick, oh god Charles don't hate me for having feelings for him too." Marion mini panicked.

"I'm not upset, if I hadn't been so stubborn and was just honest with you then it might not have happened. I know you need time but we've got a long road ahead of us, I just want you to know I will always be there for you and love you." he said as he grabbed her and kissed her again.

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