(S.S) she screams at you while you are sick

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(kinda got this inspired by gayforddlovato

⚠️throwing up

I just woke up today felling awful, my whole body hurts, I'm extremely nauseous and I'm also with cramps which don't make really sense since I'm not on my period, but anyways.

every single time that I'm sick I'm SUPER moody but right now I just want to be held by my beautiful girlfriend, but then I realized that she isn't home because she's filming and that I'm all alone, but we'll since I'm literally 20 years old I'm old enough to take care of my own ass so I tried to stand up to grab a medicine but right when I stood up, I fell and hit my back really hard on the bed side, I'm emotional and that hurted so bad that I started sobbing like a little kid.

I just need my baby so I decided to text her to maybe she can come over a little sooner

sads<3 (best girlfriend that had stepped on this earth)💕💕💕💕

hey bubs, can you come back a little sooner today ?
I'm really moody rn
and sick

☎️missed call
☎️missed call
babe I know you are busy but pick up please I
just need to hear your voice

time skip—————

im currently just in my bad with a pounding ache on my whole body, it's been 5 hours since I called her and I'm felling worse I had throw up 3 times since and I barely fainted, but I probably fainted because I threw up all the food I had in my stomach.

by now is 7 pm I'm just hoping that Sadie it's coming soon because I really need her

then I heard the door open and someone walk in, I was facing the door until it flew open when I saw Sadie, a big grin formed on my face when I saw her face but it quickly faded away

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MOVIE IS IMPORTANT TO ME THAT WAS SO SELLFISH OF YOU FOR JUST CALL ME A THOUSAND TIMES AHD TEXTED ME A HUNDRED TEXTS THATHS FUCKING ANNOYING AND YOU ARE FUCKING ANNOYING TOO, OH MY GOD SUCH AN ATTENTION SEEKER AND—" she was cut by a thud on the bed, it was me I was crying while she yelled at me but it was too much I didn't have energy so I just fainted and hit my head on the bed.

I just lost the moves of my legs for first, then everywhere move, then my listening was off and I could speak I just let the darkness consume me, but I felt like I started shaking and then darkness consumed 100% of me.

Sadie quickly noticed what happened, and ran to my side to hold my hand, that sometimes help me come back consciousness, it's not the first time I faint of tiredness and because I didn't ate

but by the time she touched my hand she felt how hot I am, I'm for sure fevering

"god y/n you are boiling" she said also touching my forehead

I felt a cold hand in mine and i almost instantely woke up but I'm so drained that I couldn't stand up I just layed there following Sadie sweet voice saying sweet things

"it's ok babygirl, we are alright" I think she noticed that I woke up and helped me sit in the bed but then she just stood up and walk away

I just started crying because after all that I'm still alone

"oh babygirl don't cry, I'm here ok? I'm right here"
she said softly hugging me and wiping my tears

"here open your mouth" I did as told and she placed the thermometer on my tongue and grabbed her phone

Sadie POV

"oh honey I didn't read your messages I just looked at the notifications, I'm so sorry my love" i said kissing her forehead while pulling her to my  lap

she wanted to awnser but the thermometer was on her mouth until we heard a little beep and i quickly took it away from her mouth and placed a soft kiss on her lips

"101° degrees, yeah you are definitely fevering, and highly"

"I'm so exhausted sads" she said with her head on my neck

"baby but you hit your head I can't let you actually sleep, because I can't risk letting you sleep and then you'll never woke up" my eyes teared up in guilt and on the thought of that

"I be back" I said and left to the kitchen, it's not what she probably wants but she needs some medicine and food

time skip
15 minutes

"I'm back bubba" I said and opened de door room to find y/n running from the bed to the toilet and I didn't realize what was happening until I heard gag sounds

I placed everything in the nightstand and ran behind her to held her hair and rub her back

———some time later——-

we just layed in bed after she finished throwing up and we are currently watching some Disney movies while I braid her after bath wet hair

"y/n/n really I'm so so sorry I yelled at you, I didn't mean any of that you are the most important human on my existence and I'm so truly sorry I didn't read the messages and came home earlier and-" I was cut by her right when I finished the braid

"love I know you didn't mean it, and I'm sorry I send you too much texts but anyways it's alright, you don't have to apologize I would do the same if it was me and honestl-" I cut her by kissing her lips passionately

I love her so much that it hurts

 girls imagines(gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon