Chapter 15 - Crash of the Oscar Deuce One

Start from the beginning

While the lieutenant limps back to the aircraft and sits with his back against the fuselage, O'Neill leans back into the aircraft and grabs the first aid kit. Kneeling down next to the lieutenant he rummages through the kit. Finding what he needs he goes to work on Sharpe's wounded leg.

After a few minutes O'Neill leans back to examine his handywork.

"Well, it's not pretty but it should do until we get back to base."

"Thanks, Colonel."

"Sure. I guess I'd better take out what I can. Don't think we'll be able to get it back up in the air anytime soon."

O'Neill stands and leans back into the cabin. He pulls out the emergency supplies and anything else not bolted down and sets them next to the aircraft. O'Neill notices the remaining four Hellfires.

"I hate to leave these for someone to grab. I'll see if I can get them out."

O'Neill, with the lieutenant's guidance, spends the next several minutes carefully putting the safety pins back in and then removing the missiles. He gently lays the missiles into the cockpit. Stepping back from the aircraft he takes a quick look around. Fortunately, he doesn't see anything on the horizon.

He notices the staff cannon. "Damn, better not leave that for someone to find and perform a 'Carter' on them."

The colonel spends the next twenty or so minutes none-to-gently removing the staff cannon and the laser targeting system. After placing them next to the missiles he takes another look to see if any airships are approaching. He doesn't see any.

"I guess we'll just wait until they come for us."

O'Neill walks to the other side and sits under the wing. This way they can keep watch in all directions.

As they wait they keep expecting to see the airships they had engaged earlier appear on the horizon. Surprisingly they never arrive. O'Neill guesses that the flyable airships must have recovered their men from the crashed and damaged airships and headed back to Urghan. After an hour-and-a-half they hear a faint engine noise. O'Neill moves out from under the wing and scans for whatever is making the noise. He hears the lieutenant shout. A small black dot approaches from the direction of Fort Carter. Soon they can see Uniform Charlie One against the clear sky. O'Neill waves at the approaching aircraft. After a few minutes they see the plane waggle its wings.

The Cessna Skywagon circles, looking at the ground and picking out a spot to land. Once the pilot finds the spot he turns into the wind. They hear the engine revolutions decrease as the plane seems to slowly float down to the ground. It lands and quickly comes to a stop. The engine shuts down as the pilot opens the door. O'Neill walks toward the plane while the lieutenant stays where he is, leaning against the downed O-2.

"Hey, Colonel, you and Lieutenant Sharpe doing okay?"

"He took some shrapnel in his leg. I'm okay. Captain, you didn't lie about being able to land this on a dime."

Captain Hewitt laughs. "Yep. If the wind speed had been a little higher I really could have put it on a dime. I left Captain Carter back at the base to give you plenty of room. I also brought something for the plane."

"Duct tape?" the lieutenant asks.

"Yeah, twenty miles worth, plus a couple packs of gum." He laughs.

The captain reaches back into the passenger compartment and pulls out a large sand-colored tarp plus tent stakes and sand anchors. "Captain Carter didn't know how long it would be before we could recover One here. She didn't think it would be good if either side found her. So we'll cover her up."

After carefully carrying the missiles, staff cannon, and laser to the U17C they carefully slide the O-2's broken tail booms in next to the plane. After that they cover the plane with the tarp. O'Neill and Captain Hewitt use the stakes and sand anchors to anchor the tarp as firmly as they can in the riverbed. Once the tarp is anchored they spread sand over it to help it blend in. After several hours they step back and look at their handywork.

"Well, unless they know where to look it should be okay," Captain Hewitt says.

They help the lieutenant into the Skywagon and then climb in. As Hewitt turns over the engine he presses the brake pedal. He revs the engine, causing the tail to rise in the air. He checks the revolutions and then releases the brakes. The plane rolls forward and after a few bounces rises slowly into the air. Once she's high enough the captain levels her out and performs a wide circle to take a last look at the hidden O-2. Thanks to the sand-covered and sand-colored tarp they can barely tell that the O-2 is there. Hewitt makes a final turn and then heads back to Fort Carter.

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