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Melina's pov

When Carl, Rose, and I got back to the others I started to feel sick to my stomach at a certain smell.

"What the hell is that smell?" I asked getting everyone's attention.

"Squirrel, I caught it this morning." My dad said. I nodded and was about to sit down when a wave a nausea hits me.

I didn't take time to come up with an excuse before I ran away to go puke my guts up.

I knew what was wrong, and I bet my dad did two. I knew Hershel also knew and probably told my dad.

When I was through throwing up I turned to see Cash leaning against a tree that was near by with his arms crossed.

"So when were you going to tell everyone?" He asked handing me a water bottle.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said taking a drink of water. He nodded a little.

"Ok, so we're not going talk about the fact that your pregnant and that you haven't told anyone yet?" He asked.

I let out a sigh. "Only you, dad, Hershel, and Dave know." I said. "Why haven't you told Carl?" He asked.

"Well I just found out and plus it takes a whole three years for the baby to arrive." I said and he looked shocked.

"Three years!" He shouted and I nodded. He let out a low whistle. "You still need to tell him." He said and I nodded again.

"I was going to, but I don't know how." I said becoming upset. Fucking mood swings.

"I'll help you figure out a way to tell Carl if you help me tell Dave I'm in love with him." He said.

I smiled my evil smile. "Deal." I said before running off shouting for Dave.

"Dave, I need to tell you something!" I yelled running towards the house.

I can hear Cash running after me shouting for me to stop. I ignored him and kept running.

I saw Dave sitting on the porch. I started yelling for him again while Cash yelled at me to stop.

"Dave, I have confirmed that you can tell him." I said as I reach him just as Cash caught up to me.

Dave went bright red and I smiled. Cash was panting trying to catch his breath.

I walked away with a shit eating grin. "Good luck Cash." I said with a little wave.

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