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Melina's pov

I open my eyes and realized I was in a room. I turn my head to see Carl and Cash.

"Hi." I said with a small smile. Carl smiled back and leaned over to give me a kiss. I kiss back before he pulled away.

"You just scared me half to death thinking you might die and the first thing you say when you wake up is hi?" Cash asked, or well more like stated.

I nodded with the biggest smile I could muster. "That sounds like you, you little shit." He said and then bend down to give a hug.

I looked around the room and saw Dave. Yes I know Dave, it's a long story that I'm not going into right now.

"Dave what are you doing here?" I asked. If Dave's on Earth that must mean something happened.

"Hello princess, I'm here on behalf of the face that all of the angels have gone missing." He said.

"Missing, what do you mean missing?" I asked frantic. He let out a sigh.

"We'll talk about this later right now you need rest. I'm sure your husband would agree." He said before walking away.

I let out a sigh and turned to Carl. I can see he hasn't slept in awhile. "Carl, I want cuddles." I said reaching my hands out to him and making grabbing motions.

"Ok, Cash can you please go get Daryl?" Carl asked Cash, who nodded and left.

Carl went to the other side of the bed and took off his shoes and climbed in right next to me.

I slowly and gently turned my body and cuddled up to him. And before I knew it he was asleep.I could hear rush foot steps making their way to the room that I'm in.

A few seconds later my dad, Rick, and Rose came in. I smiled at them I told them to be quiet so they wouldn't wake him up.

They nodded and my dad and Rick sat down where Cash and Carl were sitting while Rose sat at the end of the bed.

They asked me a few questions and we talked for a little before my dad told me to get some rest. As soon as I closed my eyes sleep consumed me.

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