Chapter 1 - red

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third person POV

"i- i'll be right there !" said the guy

his face showed that he was clearly in a state of panic

" asal wey? " asked the other person

" Naim aku kene balik skarang, sorry do aku tak dapat 'fly'"after saying that the guy immediately ran to the parking lot

" Fahmi ! kau nak balik ni pakai ape ? bukan moto kau dah hantar gi mekanik ke ?" said Naim who was holding his motorcycle key in his hands and giving it to the older guy.

" wey thank you do Naim- aku gerak du- adik aku- " Fahmi basically mumbled as he started to get on the motorcycle's seat

" kau okay tak do kalau tak aku hantar kau "
clearly not trusting Fahmi as he was panicking

not waiting for the other person to reply, Naim immediately took the other helmet and told Fahmi to hold on tight

Fahmi directed Naim the way to his house as his house was just a 15 minutes ride from the school

Fahmi's mind was scattered as he was scared about what's happening to his sister to the point where his dad told him to come back

must be something...

he was so lost in his thoughts not realising Naim calling out his name telling him that they've arrived

"HUH?" finally out of his thoughts

he looked to his right and saw that he has arrived at his father's place

Fahmi immediately pressed the button on a gate remote which was jumbled with the keys to his locker and the house key that he always kept with him

Fahmi entered the house while naim just stand next to him awkwardly

" ASSALAMUALAIKUM " he yelled entering the house

"waalaikumussalam " an echoey response of two person's voice

hearing one of the voices Fahmi's heart which was beating like it was going to come out started to calm a bit

" Papa ?! Arisa ?!" yelled Fahmi as he went passed the living room up to the stairs

Fahmi went into the room on the left and
put his hand on the doorknob and twisted it

he saw his sister laying on her bed puking red and her doctor right next to his dad who was holding the plastic while rubbing the girls back

seeing the sight Fahmi immediately ran up to his sister's side

" dik... are you feeling better ? " said the guy softly after the girl finished puking

the girl just smiled

" her temperature has been increasing ever since this afternoon " said the doctor to the two gentlemen in the room

" is there anything we can do to help her doc?" asked the father

" i suggest her to take a rest , eat the fever meds i have provided, not do any heavy work and preferably eats soft food "

" awh :( " said the girl after regaining a bit of energy after all the vomiting

" hey ! doctor's orders..." said Fahmi


" abang perlu balik la dik, tu si Naim dari tadi tunggu kat bawah tah tah dah tido dah budak tu..." said Fahmi after catching up with his sister who was just a year younger than him

" balik la bang, nanti tak pasal pasal abang perlu tengok adik muntah lagi sebab nye ' tak cukup rehat ' letih la adik camni bang " sighed Arisa venting her struggles to her brother

Fahmi just looked at his little sister with pity and if he could he just wanted to take all her pain away from her

' ya Allah please take care of my sister, i can't do nothing without you and i cant protect her without your blessings. Ya Allah help her get through all her struggles and make her the happiest girl ' prayed Fahmi in his mind

Arisa then linked her hands with her brother who was taller than her and with all her might she walked with him down the stairs


at the living room

Naim was watching the tv while waiting for Fahmi, he didnt really know why Fahmi's father called him and asked him to go home ASAP

the two was actually planning to 'fly' that day as he had just volunteered himself as tuah's candidate for the pilihan raya a few days ago;
he guessed it was a way to celebrate ? he wasn't really sure

it was really easy going out with Fahmi as he was the principle's son... Fahmi is basically a green card for them to pass through the security safely without getting asked by the guard ;)
(kabel la bro 😎)

Naim was awaken from his train of thoughts by the sound of a girl giggling and Fahmi talking to the girl

from the glimpse of his eye, Naim saw the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen walking down the stairs; hands linked with Fahmi and laughing

When Fahmi saw Naim looking at the two with wonder in his eyes, Fahmi immediately went to the young

" aa naim! thank you do tunggu aku sorry la tak dapat 'fly'.." said Fahmi

Naim just responded with a " hm " his eyes still looking at the girl who had gone to the kitchen

" oi ! apesal kau usya adik aku? "

" eh mane ade bang- eh tu adik kau eh ? "

"ye, dahla jom balik " said Fahmi grabbing the guy's hand and dragging him out of the house

yelled fahmi just as he was about to walk pass the front door

" woi gile jangan la memekak malam malam! ye ye balik la elok elok atas jalan raya.."
said Arisa waving the two guys goodbye from the kitchen


chapter 1 ✅ more chapters coming to you guys soon yee? and this is before the new form 4's entered the school so yeah 🤘.
so Fahmi is your brother and you guys are the principle's children... damn

brought to you by
kat 🤡

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