308 22 3

2 Hours Later

Class was finally over and my back was killing me. These chairs was so damn uncomfy a bitch back and ass hurts. I stood up and put my things away in my bag i didn't have any classes for a couple of hours and was craving mcdonalds nuggets. I took my keys out from my bag and walked out the class with the rest of the students and made sure to give professor ukai a quick smile before leaving out and walking to the parking lot. My heels clicked against the asphalt as i grabbed my keys and unlocked my car, i hope the line isn't too long i mentally groaned because mcdonald's was good for having the line wrap around the damn building..

I finally arrived after a short but long sza drive to mcdonald's my stomach was growling cussing me out for leaving it empty for so long. It seemed like i must have jinxed it as soon as i pulled into the lot the line was wrapped around the building.. So i just decided to go inside wouldn't be too bad right?


As soon as i walked in i could see to my left Dantae and a couple other people sitting at a table talking and eating. Shit i really did not feel like making conversation right now. I got up to the register and ordered a 10 piece nuggets with a small fry and sweet tea i walked over to the pick up and stood by the wall unlocking my phone scrolling through instagram. That until i heard my name being called i looked up to the direction of my name being called. It was Dantae oh brother you let out a groan before walking over there. "Hey Dante" I gave him a small smile before scanning the table. There was a boy with messy black hair and captivating blue eyes. Next to him was the boy I met at starbucks this morning I looked at him and he was already looking at me with a smirk creeping up on his features. I felt my face feel hot and averted his stare and the last boy sitting at the table with ginger hair he looked a little short from where he was sitting. "Oh Y/n let me introduce to everyone else" He scooted over patting the spot next to him indicating for you to sit. You sat down not noticing the way bokuto was intensely glaring at Dante, "Thats Akaashi, Bokuto, and Hinata" He pointed to everyone putting their names with faces. "Its Nice to-" Before i could finish they called out my order number i excused myself before going to get it. I thanked the worker and headed back to the table. Really wasn't my intention to sit down and eat but oh well.

I sat down where i was previously and began eating my nuggets. "So Y/n are you into any sports? hobbies maybe?" Hinata asked you. "Well back in highschool I ran track and i was a volleyball manager i've also taken a liking to football a little but besides sports i usually spend my time painting and designing clothes" Hinata looked at you in awe processing everything you had just said. Bokuto perked up and asked "What highschool did you go to?" "Aoba Johsai" I covered my mouth while answering to prevent and food coming out my mouth. Bokuto and Hinata exchanged looks before bombarding you with questions about your highschool years. "What was it like managing for aoba johsai?" "Do you know how oikawa has perfect serves?" "What events did you do in track?" "Have you ever played volleyball before?"

"Guy calmed down one question at a time" Akaashi interrupted the both of them. They sunk low into their seats pouting a little. I laughed at their childish gestures. "How about i ask a question for you all?" I looked around the table with them nodding their heads giving me the okay to go on. "Do any of you play sports or anything?"


They all answered at once. I shook my head with a giggle. " I guess somethings never change" I took my glasses off and moved my hair out my face hoping that the remembered me. They looked at me confused by my actions. Till it hit them Bokuto mouth gaped open while akaashi and Hinata looked at my with wide eyes

"Holy Shit.."

Heyyyyy yall 🤭 i know i lied i said i was done but im backkkk and yes this chapter is very rushed and i apologize 😭 i also lied about changing the book to a eren x reader yeah no i'm not doing that..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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