8. sdr2 BONUS SCENE !

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Peko chewed her bottom lip anxiously; she probably shouldn't have mentioned Fuyuhiko had brought flowers to her door at the random hour of 6pm, when the sun was slowly starting to slip out of the sky and trail toward the horizon.

The sky behind Fuyuhiko when she opened the door was pink, and so was his face. There was no way that this was what it seemed like. No way Fuyuhiko had brought her flowers to confess to her, because that's unrealistic. And it's weird. They were never into eachother. Well, she was never into him. Maybe she never caught on.

"Fuyuhiko..?" She said cautiously, scanning him up and down. He held out the flowers slowly and tilted them forward.

"Do you think he likes flowers?"



A giggle slipped her lips, which quickly turned into laughter, leaning again the doorframe to steady herself, her chest trembling as she calmed herself, opening her eyes to Fuyuhiko who was still stood awkwardly in the doorway, his face flushed red.
"Peko." He snapped sternly, but it was just so funny she gasped for air to stop herself from laughing again.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, can I just ask, who is .. he?" She snorted, very well knowing who it was but longing to hear him say it and admit it aloud to her.
"This is not funny! You know who it is! Now tell me, what do you think?"

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips and she dipped her head, brushing the flowers with her thumb and leaning down to smell them.
"They're nice."

Fuyuhiko huffed, looking away. "Well, I know that, obviously. But do you think Haji...- .. Hinata would like them?"

She gestured for him to come inside.
"First name basis, huh? Very intimate for somebody who you're not dating." She teased, picturing the furious look on the boy's face.

"Piss off."

"I think he'll like them, because he likes you."

Fuyuhiko's face flushed.
"What?! You don't know that!"

She shrugged.
"I'm magic like that."

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