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Ravenna rested her elbow on the window of the car as she drove back to the warehouse. She glanced over to Han. He was looking out his window, holding onto the bikini bottom with the print. But it was almost like he was trying to figure out how to make it burst into flames with just his hand. Ravenna looked back at the road, speeding up slightly and weaving through traffic.

That got his attention.

"Raven, what are you doing?"

Ravenna smiled to herself, it was the first time she had heard Han actually call her by his nickname since arriving to Rio. Anytime he addressed her, he just looked at her, talking straight at her. Ravenna moved around more cars, gigging at Han's reaction. "You should know what I'm doing." Ravenna said.

"Are you showing off?" Han teased.

Ravenna clicked her tongue, glancing over at Han. She knew that this was the Han she knew. It was nice to see that Han didn't have hard feelings towards her after he left. Ravenna smirked. "There's the Han I know."

"Oh? Was he missing?"

"I thought so." Ravenna said, running her hand through her hair. "You did leave without even saying bye."

Han scoffed. "We weren't even together, Raven,"

"No, but at least, 'hey, gotta run,' would have been nice." Ravenna said. "I heard from Leo of all people that you were gone." Han closed his eyes - when he ran, he just ran. He had done it before, there were no extra steps needed. But then there was Ravenna. Funny thing was, Han did go to see Ravenna before he left, but she wasn't home. Turned out, she was with her stepmother in the hospital. He left after that.

"Not really into goodbyes."

"Well, neither am I, but dude, you slept with me." Ravenna took her eyes off the road, looking at Han. "We fucked in a car. You didn't think that didn't deserve a 'see you later'?" Ravenna asked.

Han rested his arm on the door. "Oh, it's now 'see you later'?" Ravenna looked back out the window, stopping at a redlight. "I didn't think you liked me that much." Han commented.

Ravenna straightened in the seat, placing both hands on the wheel. Han looked to see what Ravenna was seeing. A cop car pulled up next to them, however the two cops inside weren't paying attention to Ravenna or Han. They both knew they couldn't get in trouble now. Ravenna tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, patiently waiting for the light to turn green.

Han placed the bikini onto his lap, curling a finger around the hem. He reached over, placing his hand on Ravenna's thigh. He gave it a squeeze. Ravenna glanced down for a moment before looking over at Han. His fingers tapped at her bare skin right above the shorts line. Ravenna moved her hair from her face, trying to ignore Han's hand.

As soon as the light turned green, the cops turned down a different road. Ravenna sped off down the road. Han and Ravenna chuckled at each other. "I can't believe we both froze just then." Ravenna said.

"Not the first time."

"No, it is not." Ravenna felt Han still touching her thigh. It was almost comforting in a way. Ravenna went back to resting her arm in the window. She let Han continue to touch her leg. "Buy me dinner if you plan on moving that hand up any higher." Ravenna said, feeling Han stopping briefly.

Han leaned to the side. "Dinner?" Ravenna nodded. "I'm more of a breakfast guy."

"You are more of a snacky guy."

Han shrugged, still invading Ravenna's personal space. "You did say, Raven, that I keep my hands occupied by eating. My hands look clearly occupied." Han flashed a smirk.

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