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August was leading the guys, Nosaka was wary, since this road led to his castle in which he used to live...

Yuma: I hope you're not leading us into a trap?
August: No, and why did you decide that?
Yuma: Maybe because you're taking us to the prince's castle?

May, March and Anna were also wary.

August: Do you think I look like someone who would betray his brothers?
Yuma: Who knows...

Anna whispered to Nosaka.

Anna: Nosaka, why are you so hostile to August?
Yuma: Because I don't trust him... And not only him.
Anna: Didn't you say that the strength of the brothers comes from faith and trust in you, and you to them?
Yuma: I did... But this is what I heard from April...
Anna: Then if you don't trust some brothers, then why don't you have their power?
Yuma: I have no idea... I have a lot of questions myself. Since April told one thing, but in fact everything is completely different. Something tells me that April is hiding the truth and in order to find out this truth, you need to save him...
Anna: I see...
Yuma: I didn't tell you but for the future. Don't trust anyone!
Anna: What about you? Shouldn't I trust you, too?
Yuma: You can trust me as a race. Since we are both from the same world and got into this world. I can only trust you here, and you can trust me. Therefore, do not tell anyone that we are from another world!
Anna: Good!

After a while, when the sun was almost down, they reached the castle. Going inside, three more brothers were waiting for them as races. January, October and November stood against them, May and August stood next to them and turned to Yuma. All five of them bowed before him.


Mart and Anna were surprised. Anna was surprised that she did not expect that they would worship Yuma, since they were hiding his identity. March was surprised and perplexed, he did not understand what was happening and why the brothers were worshipping in front of Brother April.

Yuma: Are these all brothers?
January: Yes...
Yuma: I see... And yes... I told you not to do that anymore.
October: Sorry Prince, but these are the rules!
November: Even if you have allowed us not to do this, we are still obliged to welcome and show our respect to you!
January: Besides, this is how we show our loyalty to you.
Yuma: Yes, yes... I've heard it many times, and now please stand up!

They listened to him and stood up.

March: Brother April... What's happening? Why did the brothers bow down before you and call you Prince?
January: Before you find out the truth March, we wanted to ask who is this girl next to you?
August: This is the future wife of our prince!
All three: Wife!?
Anna: Hello.... I am Mikado Anna, a beast-man and a girl Nosaki Yuma! Nice to meet you!
January: Prince...

January looked at the prince who turned his head away.

Yuma: Yes, she knows... And yes, she can be trusted. That's why I told her everything...
January: Well, if you say that she can be trusted, then so it is.

He turned to the girl.

January: Hello, I'm January! One of 12 brothers. It's nice to meet you too!
October: My name is October, I am also one of the 12 brothers! Mutually!
November: I am November! I'm also one of 12 brothers! Glad to meet you!
Yuma: Well, since everyone introduced themselves, it's my turn. I am Nosaka Yuma, the prince and future Emperor of this world. I ask you to love and favor...

[Nosaka x Anna]Christmas storyWhere stories live. Discover now