I pretended to ponder it for some time before uttering, "I guess that's fine."

"We don't have to visit the park every month; there are other great places in town, too." He said as he fiddled with the old paint piece that exposed the grey cement under the fountain. "But we'll always end the day by getting your favourite dessert."

I grinned as I watched his eyes twinkle as he spoke and thought of the various things, he wanted to do with me.

"It'll be our new best friend tradition." His eyes lit up as he ran his fingers through his hand excited about this plan.

There it was. The word that I was sad upon hearing was "friend." It was not the wrong word to describe our relationship, but I wished that there was a little more to it. Was that wrong?

I once again pretended to think as I now looked around the almost vacant campus. While looking, I noticed the window to the dorm. I furrowed my brows as I noticed a figure moving around.

"Oh, I think Max is in the dorm."

"Is she not at my place?" He questioned, his eyebrow raised with uncertainty.

"She must've come back," I said as I excitedly stood up.

Jay let out a disappointed groan. I looked at him with a pout and said, "There's so much I have to tell her."

He gave me a half-smile before nodding in understanding.

I gave him a warm smile in return before I ran off to see her. I haven't seen her in a full two days.

The door was wide open. I burst into the room, my heart racing with excitement as I anticipated seeing her again. As soon as I stepped inside, I froze. There he was, standing right in front of me—the boy I had been trying to avoid. We locked eyes, and my mind raced as it struggled to process what was going on. All I could do was stand there, staring at him while he watched me. I felt scared and exposed for a while before I regained my senses. I turned back to run away, but he closed the door quickly, resulting in my body crashing against the door.

I groaned in pain as he pushed me around to face him while he pinned my back on the door.

He first examined my face before bringing his face closer to mine, stopping a few inches away before our noses could touch. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his dark orbs, attempting to decipher his intentions.

He scoffed before he took a few steps and leaned his back on the wall.

I nervously gulped as I asked, "What are you doing here?"

He looked away in thought for a brief moment, then he grinned as he turned to face me, "Do I make you nervous, Y/N?"

"You didn't answer my question." I replied as I cast a glance at the ground.

Still staring at me, he answered nonchalantly, "I know."

Not knowing what to say, I stood there in silence, unable to speak, as I gripped the bag in my hands.

He sighed and stuffed his hands into his oversized jacket.

"I came here to get away from people for a while."

I finally raised my head to face him, clearly confused. He rolled his eyes and responded, "Look, I just wanted to be alone for a while, and here was the perfect place. No one would expect that I would be here with you since you're no way near my type."

I looked down at the ground once more, feeling a little offended for some reason as he continued.

"I have been here for a few hours because I needed to be alone and think. Do you understand?" He explained again, hoping that I would removed the confused look on my face.

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora