14• || Lotus Pier ||

Start from the beginning

Wei Wuxian: "You guys go first! I will catch up later ."

Yu Ziyuan: "But you're injured."

As he got up and pushed the boats he said 

Wei Wuxian: "Those barriers will worked till your arrived at the save place."

Jiang Cheng: "No! Come with us too!"

Jiang Fengmian: "A'Xian!"

But A'Xian looked at us all and gave a smile before turn back and went back in.

Jiang Cheng: "No, A'Xian please!!"

We about to grab him but the barriers blocked us and we all went far from there. 

'No No No! This isn't supposed to be happening!'

¶ With Wei Wuxian ¶

I was badly injured... Wen Chao brought me to the Supervisor office that near. Qing-jie and A'Ning is there. They both shocked to see that I got caught by Wen Chao.

Everyday Wen Chao torture me, I was in cell right now bleeding. Everyday after Wen Chao and that b*tch got out. Qing-jie and A'Ning will get in and heal my wounds.

Wen Ning "Xian-ge, you're wounds getting worse and worse!"

Wei Wuxian: "It's okay it's just a little wounds. It will heal soon ."

Wen Qing: "Your lucky that they didn't melt your core yet! Or else you would've die because of blood loss!"

Wei Wuxian: "Actually they did already."

They both shocked, Qing-jie checked my wrist and ask me 

Wen Qing: "But how it still there?"

Wei Wuxian: "Let's just say that I made a talisman that can protect a core but it didn't have a backlash like you both had, they didn't know it and I'm just pretend to them that my core is gone."

She sighed

Wen Qing: "I will trying to help you to get out from here."

Wei Wuxian: "No! If Wen Chao know you both will die!"

Wen Ning: "But Xian-ge! We both can just stay here and let him hurt you more!"

After they done bandaged my wounds they walked out and locked the door back.

¶ 7 days later ¶ 

It's night and my wounds didn't bandage yet.. Suddenly I heard a sound

"Open it!" 

Wen Qing: "What your gonna do to him?!"

"Just open it or I slit your throat! I knew that you have the keys!"

The door opened and I saw Qing-jie and him walked in.

Xue Yang: "Xian-ge!"

He runs and hug me.

Wei Wuxian: "A'Yang?"

Xue Yang: "I'm sorry I didn't help you sooner."

I sighed and patting his head 

Wei Wuxian: "It's okay, atleast you still come to help me."

I turned my head to see Qing-jie shocked to both of us.

Wen Qing: "Xian-ge? A'Yang?"

Wei Wuxian: "I will tell you all about it later."

Suddenly someone else came in 

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