The entire crowd had started jumping up and down, following Serina as she took the lead. The singer did not break her pace once as she sang and gracefully danced across the stage. Terrell pulled Sahara close and placed and arm around her shoulders while she watched the performance in awe. She had never been to a concert of any kind before. There was an energy in the air she couldn't explain and the pulsing beat was making her heart beat pump to the rhythm.

In the next minutes, Sahara found herself getting lost in the concert.

"Come on everyone, let's rock and roll!" Serina sang, a smile on her face as she pumped a fist in the air and then fell into a dance routine.

Sahara found herself pumping her own fist in the air as she was drawn in, feeling as excited as all those around her.

"We've got a long night ahead, we've got a party to start." A craft flew past Serina, carrying a curtain. She was blocked form the crowd for but a second before she re-appeared, wearing a completely different outfit. Sahara had no idea how it had been done, but she cheered along with everyone else.

It was near the end of the song that she suddenly became aware of a new figure near her. Turning her head, she saw Orion had somehow joined them. She shot him a grin. He gave her a small smile before turning his gaze to the stage. Somehow, he looked a lot less energized that all those around him. In fact, he looked tired and far from enjoying the music. Sahara quickly forgot about him as the music pulled her in.

The song drew to an end and the crowd cheered before Serina motioned for them to quieten down. She began to address them. "Thank you so much for coming to my concert," she said, flashing her perfectly white teeth.

"I'm ready to die in peace," Reagan rasped. His face was red from all the shouting.

"Want me to help you with that?" Arden asked.

"Shh..." Reagan replied, eyes glued to Serina as she continued to speak to the crowd that hung on every word. "Have you ever seen such a goddess before?" he breathed.

"She is an interesting specimen," Arden agreed as he leaned an arm on Orion's shoulder. Orion shot him a glare but didn't try to brush him off.

"I concur," a voice spoke.

"She's not a specimen..." Reagan began. He was ignored.

Sahara whirled her head. Seeing no one, her eyes dropped only to catch sight of a familiar small figure. "Naomi!" she exclaimed in delight.

The little girl's eyes turned her chocolate brown eyes on her. "Hello," she said in a matter of fact voice.

Sahara couldn't help but notice that, despite longer hair, the former six year old looked exactly the same as the last time she had seen her.

"Oh!" Naomi's eyes widened as she caught sight of Terrell. She headed right for him, arms wide and ready to hug.

Terrell's arm shot out to hold her back by the forehead. "Twerp," he greeted.

Arden tried to get his brother's attention, but the younger twin swatted him away, refusing to let his full devotion be turned form the speaking pop-star. Shaking his head, Arden turned, dropped to the ground, and gave the young girl the hug Terrell had refused.

"You haven't changed a bit," Sahara told her.

"Neither have you," another voice replied.

Whirling again, Sahara searched for the owner of the voice she knew well. However, she blinked when she didn't find the blue eyed, blond haired friend of hers.

"Hello?" A stunning girl right before her lifted her hand to wave.

For a moment, Sahara simply stared at the stranger. Small braids were visible all throughout her brown hair that had been streaked with purple. Her eyes weren't an electric blue at all, but a grey instead.

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