6. The King of Hearts - Deflowering

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'They made the game about sex?' Arisu asked, struggling to believe it. I shook my head. 'No, not sex. Not really. Just an other kind of violence,' I said. 'Unfortunately it makes sense, or can you think of a better way to really mess with people's hearts? With their morals?'

'So, since the King is hiding among us, we need to find him quickly and kill him. Then we don't have to deal with the other conditions,' Usagi said intently.

'Or her?' I said pessimistically. 'They didn't give us a single clue. Or even even confirm that the King is male, did they? He probably is, but...' I for sure couldn't think of anything that would make it possible for us to identify him.

'That's impossible,' Chishiya confirmed my thoughts. 'Unless he gives it away for some reason, and why would he? If he's the one who made the rules, he'll try to make the most of the chaos.'

A tall, very handsome young man had climbed up on a low stone bench, raised a hand and tried to get everyone's attention.

'Clearly they expect us to turn on each other, but is that really necessary? There might be a way we can solve this with as little violence as possible. We could work together to identify the King. Or, perhaps, the girl can...'

'Nonsense,' an older guy interrupted. 'It's every man for himself in this game, and we're wasting time. You heard the rules, no woman in here can remain a virgin, or we're all dead. Come on guys, let's get to work.' He started walking towards the biggest group of women, a determined look on his face, while more men joined him.

'Well, he's right, time's a wasting,' a middle aged, rather burly man said as he looked around. His eyes came to rest unpleasantly on me, 'You there, you're pretty hot. Why don't you let me check if you're a virgin or not.'

I managed a scornful laugh even though my stomach clenched in fear, that man was easily twice my size. I stretched to my full, though admittedly not so impressive height, folded my arms in front of me, and in my most superior voice said,

'Me? Are you serious? Do you want to win the game or are you just trying to get laid? Or are you just plain stupid? I have a man, right here.' I looked pointedly at Chishiya who thankfully didn't even blink. Thank god for his poker face, I thought. The man seemed a bit less sure of himself, so I continued. 'I mean, look at us. What do you think we do at night when we're alone? Play chess and talk about the weather?' I scoffed loudly then took a step closer to Arisu and Usagi and took her hand. 'You're looking at the only two women in here that actually came together with their boyfriends. Do you really believe one of us is the virgin? Really?'

That did it fortunately, and the man shuffled away, muttering to himself, searching for a new target.

'Thanks,' Usagi whispered. 'This is so messed up.'

'No, let go of me!'

The burly man had grabbed one of the younger girls and tried to drag her towards one of the alcoves. The tall man who had tried to suggest a peaceful solution before, ran up to them and pulled him off her.

'There's no need for that,' he said with obvious contempt. The first one, his face now red with anger and frustration took a swing at him, which was easily dodged and returned with a powerful push. The bulkier man staggered backwards, stumbled and fell heavily, his head hitting the edge of one of the benches with a sickening crack. His body slumped to the floor, a pool of blood quickly forming around his head.

'Killing other players is prohibited,' the all too familiar voice reminded us, a second before a laser pierced the offender. Everybody stared at the bodies in dumbfounded silence.

The stunned silence didn't last long though. Screams and moans were soon heard from the other side of the room, where fighting as well as other things was happening. The younger girls, who had been standing not to far from us, screamed again, as another group of men tried to drag them away. Arisu, more wild eyed than usual was looking between them and Usagi.

Games of Hearts and Diamonds; Chishiya x fem readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora