6. The King of Hearts - Deflowering

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Our footsteps echoed through the wide corridor leading us towards the game room. It turned out to be a large oval shaped room, several small but deep alcoves evenly spaced out along the walls, looking like they'd make excellent hiding places. Sturdy benches were standing in a half circle across the room, making the large TV screen on the back wall their center. As we made it to the middle of the room, the screen turned white, and there was an announcement stating that registration would close in 30 minutes. A surprising number of players had showed up, and more were coming. The majority seemed to be around our age, but there was a small group of girls who looked like they were still in their late teens, as well as a number of middle aged people, and a pair of ancient looking old men. I thought it was pretty brave of the last two to show up here, but then again, age would probably not matter much in a hearts game.

'Registration will close in three minutes,' the usual voice told us, and I turned around to see if even more players were on their way.

We must be close to thirty already. The doorway remained empty for more than a minute, then two people came through it. I thought I recognized them and I tugged at Chishiya's arm to make him turn around as well.

'Oho,' he said when they had gotten closer, 'fancy meeting the two of you here.'

'Chishiya,' Arisu said. He seemed both pleased and relieved to see a familiar face in here, but Usagi was eyeing Chishiya rather warily. That's right, I remembered, they had not parted on the best of terms after the Beach. What had Chishiya called it? Complicated? That could mean anything really. The heavy doors suddenly slammed shut. Registration was over, and the game about to commence.

'Difficulty; King of hearts. Game; Deflowering.'

Everybody turned their eyes to the screen even as the voice started to explain the rules.

'The goal of the game is to identify the Virgin. The answer need not be unanimous, when the time limit is reached each player must make their choice.'
'-If the King chose the correctly at the end of the game, then it's game over for all other players.'
'-If the Virgin is still a virgin at the end of the game, then it's game over for all players.'

People were starting to look both confused and angry as the voice kept going, a number of additional rules lining up on the screen,

'-Killing other players is not allowed.'
'-There is one exception to this rule; If the players kill the King of hearts, any surviving players win the game regardless if other criteria has been met or not.'

Ok, that was straightforward enough, I thought. Find and kill the King. I didn't like the sound of the rest of it one bit though. The voice droned on, but most people seemed to have stopped listening, paying more attention to each other.

'-If the King is still alive when the time limit is reached, the Rule of vengeance will be added.'
'The game ends when the King is dead.'
'Time limit for the first part: 45 minutes. Starting now.'

'What do they mean "virgin"? Like a real one?' Somebody in the crowd asked.

'But there's no way they could know that,' I objected. 'Even if they kept track on everyone after we came to this world, there's just no way they could know what we have or have not done before that.'

Others were nodding in agreement. 'It has to be some title randomly given to someone for this game, so it could be anyone really.'

'For clarification: The Virgin is a female among you who has never had sexual intercourse before,' the voice announced as an answer to our arguments, finishing with a taunting; 'We know everything.'

'What? They can't be serious,' was heard from around the room. Most players looked outraged and disgusted, whereas some, seemed more chocked and scared. Then there was a small number of men whose stance had subtly changed, became more alert as they looked around the room, like predators singling out their pray, a no longer hidden hunger in their eyes. I shuddered, I had seen that look on men's faces before. This could get really ugly, really fast.

Games of Hearts and Diamonds; Chishiya x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now