5. Back with Kuina

Start from the beginning

Kuina had just finished telling me all about the witch hunt game back at the Beach, when Chishiya returned.

'Here, you should take two of these,' he handed her a plastic cup with a handful of pills in it.

'Ok,' she agreed, then she looked suspiciously at him when she noticed the other things he had brought.

'No way!' she stated, looking at him like he'd gone crazy.

'You need stitches,' he said patiently, 'or that cut will never heal. You don't want to risk losing your arm, do you?'

She set her jaw and nodded stiffly. 'Fine then,' she mumbled behind clenched teeth.

I peaked over her shoulder and saw a small pile of sutures and curved needles, each neatly packed in its own little bag. I too gave him a skeptical look. This was way out of my league, yet he seemed completely at ease. Did he really know what he doing, or was it just his usual arrogance making him appear so calm and confident? Out of nowhere he produced some surgical gloves, a small glass vial and a syringe.

'Don't worry,' he reassured her, holding it up. 'You won't feel a thing.'

From the look of it she did feel a thing or two, but the local anesthesia must have taken the worst of the pain. She winced a few times as he cleaned the wound, then calmly watched as he meticulously stitched it closed.

'There,' he said, finishing wrapping a bandage around her arm, 'you'll live. Try to get some rest now.'

She inspected the result, looking impressed. 'Thank you,' she said simply before she laid down on the couch, and he spread a blanket over her.

– – – – –

'That was pretty impressive,' I complimented him later as I brought him a fresh cup of coffee.

'Thanks, but it's really not a big deal,' he shrugged as he reached for the cup and took a sip.

'You know, I think I figured out your secret,' I said, giving him a thoughtful look.

'Really?' he said skeptically.

'Or more like one of your secrets, I'm sure you have plenty,' I smiled a bit whimsically at him. 'You know, I used to think that you were an artist of some sort.' The surprise on his face was priceless.

'Really?' he managed to drown the word in sarcasm, and I could just feel that more was coming so I held up a hand to stop him.

'Used to,' I emphasized. 'Now I think that you're a doctor. And considering what I just saw you do, combined with your not so amazing people skills, I would go out on a limb here and say that you're a surgeon.' I caught his eyes. 'Am I right?'

He held my gaze for a second, then looked away. 'Almost right,' he answered, 'I'm almost a surgeon. Medical student. Would've graduated in a few months, if I hadn't ended up here.'

'But why keep it a secret?' I truly did not understand. Being a doctor was a good thing, right? Especially here. But, if anything he acted like he was embarrassed or even ashamed to talk about it. And this was Chishiya after all, was he even capable of those emotions?

'It's not something I'm proud of. Not something I like talking about,' he looked me straight in the eyes again, and there for a brief second, the mask fell away and I could see such pain in his eyes that it tore at my heart.

'I'm sorry,' I said quietly, reaching out to touch his arm. 'I won't ask any more about it. I didn't realize...' He just stood there silent for a while, looking at my hand on his arm like it was the strangest thing.

'Hayato,' he then said cryptically, and I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

'Hayato. That was the name of the first one I lost,' he continued, his voice betraying no emotions. 'He was one of my first patients, just a small boy. I lost him to money. Not to lack of skill, or even a lack of luck. Money.'

Games of Hearts and Diamonds; Chishiya x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now