1. The Jack of hearts- Beginning

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The Jack of Hearts- beginning

Most heads turned as the sound of footsteps approached, and soon a young man in a light blue shirt came in to view and looked around at the rest of us. He had a pleasant boyish face, yet the mood in the room suddenly changed at the sight of him. Everyone tensed and eyed each other apprehensively. Since there had only been one collar left on the table downstairs, his arrival meant that the game would start any minute. I took a deep breath and looked around the gloomy room. It looked depressing even for a prison.

This would be my first game since the beginning of the second stage, and after the chaotic massacre that had introduced the King of Spades, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. These face cards sure meant business. The weight of the clumsy collar around my neck seemed to increase as I glanced around the mismatched group of players. All strangers it seemed, but I did see a familiar silhouette leaning against the wall across the room. A short figure, whisks of ash colored hair sticking out from under the big hood hiding his face, but ironically making him easier to recognize. I sighed as memories from happier times at the Beach flashed through my mind, but was swiftly brought back to the present as the big overhead TV screen came to life, announcing the beginning of the game. Difficulty; Jack of hearts.

The rules were straightforward enough, find someone you trust to tell you the symbol on the back of your collar, thus keeping you alive until the Jack dies. When this happens, the remaining players win the game. I made a face. Trust the other players. Great idea, with the Jack hidden among us. I snorted disdainfully. I had been in a few heart games before, and was usually pretty good at them. But trust was not so easy to come by here in this world. At least it was a multiple winner game, that would perhaps be enough for people to cooperate. As I again glanced across the room towards the man in the white hooded jacket, I felt surprisingly relieved that this was the case. He appeared to be alone as well, at least I didn't see any other people from the Beach here.

Around me people had already started to team up, some optimistically, others more weary. One huge bully had gotten the brilliant idea to threaten to beat up an already terrified looking guy, to get him to tell him the symbol. Most people were frowning at his behavior, but everybody kept their distance not wanting to interfere. As usual in these games. I shuddered and looked away, I also didn't want to get involved. I would need an ally though, at least one. It was an easy decision, so I quickly made my way across the room, avoiding making eye contact with anyone.

He was already talking to someone, a rather cheerful looking guy in a black and yellow t-shirt.

'For all you know, I'm the one who might be the Jack', I heard him say as I got closer, and the guy next to him froze, his smile died as he tentatively took a step back.

'But you're not the Jack, are you, Chishiya?' I said as I stopped in front of them, looking thoughtfully at him, before turning to the nervous looking guy. 'Don't worry. I can almost swear that this one is not the Jack, and I know for sure that I'm not the Jack either', I gave him a reassuring smile and got a tensed grin in return.

'Yes, ok', he answered slightly more relaxed. 'I'm also not the Jack.' He bowed a bit stiffly, 'I'm Ippei Oka. Nice to meet you.'

'You're not from here, are you?'

I couldn't help but chuckle at his question. My pale skin, pinkish hair and green eyes should make it obvious to anyone that I'm not even Asian.

'No, no, I'm not. I'd just spent a week in Tokyo when the worlds got twisted around. Or whatever it was that happened.' I made a wry face. 'Not quite the amazing work-trip slash vacation I was hoping for.'

'And what makes you so sure that I'm not the Jack of hearts then?' Chishiya joined in, just a hint of curiosity in his voice.

So he didn't recognize me, I thought. A bit disappointing, but we had never spoken directly, and I had tried to keep a low profile back at the Beach after all.

Games of Hearts and Diamonds; Chishiya x fem readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ