Chapter 39. Is Dissociative Identity Disorder Bad?

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At the same time, inside Luna Apocalypse's head, chaos was going on...

Locked inside, K-001's consciousness was covering some Otto Apocalypse with foul language very loudly and nonstop, Laplace, who was looking for his mother and found, was watching K-001 with interest, and Prometheus, who was just curious, was watching Luna's actions... 

These actions were not part of his calculations

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These actions were not part of his calculations... And now he is trying to adjust his calculations by analyzing the actions of Luna Apocalypse.

How is it that the "pseudo" consciousness had this trinity inside its head? Hmmm...

How is it that the "pseudo" consciousness had this trinity inside its head? Hmmm

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That would require going back a month, when Otto brought K-001 back to life.
When K-001 woke up, she realized that she had no control over her body... This problem, unfortunately, could not be solved by K-001 herself. And so, all she could do was watch her child's actions (pseudo-consciousness).

When she created the pseudo-consciousness in order to redirect the influence of the Will of the Honkai from herself to him, she downloaded into his memory the basic functions that everyone has... She also decided to grant him the ability to defend himself in case he couldn't return from THAT side after his death.

K-001 downloaded hand-to-hand combat skills, skills with any weapon, and "basic" knowledge of math, physics, and other sciences.

Why try so hard when this consciousness must be in K-001's body and not functional? 

K-001 did this just in case... What if Otto can revive the body, but can't bring the soul back to K-001? And that body would become the Herrscher of the End... It's not a pretty picture. Yes?

The original idea was that since K-001's soul was already fully integrated into the Herrscher's core, it would use the pseudo-consciousness as a shell around its core.

And in case the Honkai Will attacked K-001's consciousness, the attack should be redirected to the shell...

It was the perfect plan. But K-001 didn't take something into account... Her soul had a different "coding" that had to be deciphered... Otto used Laplace to do this, but it took several months. And during that time, the pseudo-consciousness interned with K-001's body.

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