We're finally here

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Finally, they were back at Sasaki's place. On the way there they had been thinking entirely about this moment, and it finally being there was making them wrecks;

wrecks of emotion, wrecks of nervousness, wrecks of perturbation.

One could just say they were both merely—in a matter of speaking— overwrought.

They walked into Sasaki's room in awkward silence and sat down on the floor in front of the TV.

Though finally the silence was broken; Sasaki turned his head towards Miyano to speak, but was cut off by him [Miyano] pulling Sasaki into a kiss. He wasn't feeling terribly bold;

he had just wanted to initiate something regardless of the fact that he was vastly apprehensive.

"I think I'm about to have a heart attack." Sasaki laughed as he broke the kiss, "Please don't die so early on" the latter laughed along with him.

Suddenly the tense atmosphere became a more lighthearted one due to the redhead's joke.

They stopped laughing, smiled at each other and continued the previous action—less nervous now that the atmosphere was more buoyant.

Somehow they had ended up on the floor, with Miyano below Sasaki, 'huff'ing as quietly as he could. Somehow, this always happens whenever they're alone and desperate.

Maybe it's something about making out on the floor that's just attractive to them, God knows why. Maybe it's just their love for each other being that deep.

Sasaki slipped his hand under Miyano's head to lift it ever so slightly and kiss his forehead, which caused Miyano a fluttery feeling within the recesses of his stomach.

Sasaki then slipped his other hand under that same boy's shirt. He savored the touch of his hand to Miyano's smooth stomach, like the last bite of your utmost favorite food.

He rubbed circles onto it for a twenty seconds while kissing him in a significantly carnal manner. At first the kisses were chaste, but they progressed from there.

Sasaki eventually sat up and lifted Miyano into his lap. Miyano's legs around his lover (who's legs were crossed in order to support the shorter correctly).

They made out for a good twenty minutes and cuddled in Sasaki's bed for the rest of the night, they had a great day, and great night of just being together: something they both fervently loved.

Inaudible Whispers ||A Sasaki to Miyano Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now