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"I can't believe the protagonist finally told his mom that him and (love interest name) were dating!" Miyano exclaimed as they walked out of the theatre.

"I'm glad I got caught up on the series before we went to go see the movie, I would've been completely lost otherwise." Sasaki said with relief. "I'm happy I went to see this movie with you,

—Shuu, the fact that you chose a BL movie for us to watch was so kind" during the movie Miyano had thought about pet names for Sasaki and settled on just shortening his given name,

he was, in truth, quite nervous about what his partner would think about this newly used nickname. Sasaki just stopped in his tracks in reply.

"You.. did you just call me 'Shuu'?" Miyano was about to aggressively bow in apology but then "Could you.. could you say that again?" his boyfriend asked. "..Shuu" Miyano repeated meekly.

"Oh- wow.." the taller boy exclaimed in the squeaky voice he always gets when he's flustered. "Where'd you.. uh.. get the idea to give me a nickname?" he asked.

"Well it's gonna sound stupid but I just saw that the love interest in the movie we just watched gave his boyfriend a pet name so I thought that it would be kind of cute if I gave you one too. Sorry if it was weird or anything-"

"Not at all!" Sasaki replied right as Miyano finished his sentence. "I like it, it's just.. you've never given me any kind of nickname or used any endearing honorifics, so I was just surprised.", "Is that so.." Miyano blushed.

There was a short awkward silence for about seven seconds and they quickly pulled eachother in for a quick kiss, silently begging that no one was witnessing their current display on the sidewalk, too desperate to wait until they were alone.

Sasaki checked his watch and it was about time for their train to arrive at its station "We.. let's wait until we get back to my place Yoshikazu." Sasaki quickly pulled away as if saying 'if this continues any longer I might wish for more'.

They quickly ran to the station and just as they got there, the train had arrived. They stepped in and that day it [the station] was quite packed, so as soon as they entered, a flood of people came rushing in, aside from the twelve or so people who were already inside before them.

They had to stand since there was a fair amount people who fit the criteria for taking the priority seats in such situations. 'It's only ever this packed on weekends, I wonder why it's so full today..' Sasaki thought .

Abit later a few more people entered so Sasaki and Miyano were shoved to the wall by the people intending to make room.

Miyano winced due to how his arm was being squished, but just then Sasaki pulled him closer since he'd realized. 'God I love him..' Miyano flushed and thought to himself. The rest of the train ride was smooth sailing from there, but of course Sasamiya's feelings were the opposite, a bumpy roller coaster.

'IS HE HUGGING HIM TO KEEP HIM FROM GETTING SQUISHED????? THIS IS TOO FUCKING CUTE' Some random girl that's always in the background of Sasaki and Miyano's dates started hyperventilating.

Inaudible Whispers ||A Sasaki to Miyano Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now