The vinegar disguised as honey

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After that incident with the call, Sasaki and Miyano had been thinking about it the whole time while getting ready (and nervous) for their date. 

I'm so jittery after that.. like— what if something embarrassing happens like what happened a minute ago?! Miyano thought to himself worryingly. Meanwhile Sasaki was just thinking about what he'd seen at that moment, blushing intensely. Then he realized.

He felt perverse at that moment for pondering for so long on such a topic, like he was staining Miyano's existence with such thoughts.

"The white dove is tarnished by the hands of the iniquitous" — is how that one poem goes I think

In any case, eventually, they got ready to meet up and wore the best outfits they owned while not looking too posh.

Miyano decided to wear a white long-sleeved polo, which was tucked into some baggy light blue jeans with a brown belt, and black high tops. He usually always never dressed this well, he would normally slap on a hoodie or t-shirt with sweatpants and call it quits,

but thanks to his mom forcing him to buy at least some formal attire, he didn't look sloppy for him and his boyfriend's date.

Though Sasaki in his non-abnormal stylishness, wore a sleeveless turtleneck sweater with tight brown cargo pants, put together with a necklace, a black belt and sneakers. They decided to meet up at Sasaki's house to hang out for a bit before it was time for the showing of the movie they were going to see.

"Hey Yoshikazu, sorry for buying tickets for a night screening, it was the earliest one available today." Sasaki apologized as he welcomed Miyano inside the house.

"It's fine, I'm just glad we get to spend time together today." Miyano said as he slipped off his shoes and proclaimed 'pardon the intrusion'. "My parents aren't here, so it'll be just us these next 3 hours." Sasaki revealed (with no ill intent mind you).

"Just the two of us..? Ah-" Oh. My. God. This is just like that scene in a manga I read where the uke was over at the seme's house and the seme proposed that they 'do it'.. IS SASAKI GOING TO ASK ME IF I WANT TO DO THAT WITH HIM?!

"Miya, you okay? You're spacing out." Sasaki asked Miyano as he tucked strands of the smaller boy's hair that were in his face to behind his ear.

"Ah-" Miyano flinched, alarmed at his boyfriend's sudden closeness. "Oh, yeah, just thinking about what..what we'll be doing for the next three hours." Miyano admitted and looked away in shame, with hope that Sasaki didn't take it how it was meant.

He slowly turned his head around to catch a glimpse of the taller's face and saw that he was strawberry red and wide-eyed with his hand covering his mouth in shock, almost as if he took it how it was meant, just as Miyano hoped wouldn't happen.

"I see.. um.. let's just.. sit down for a bit." Sasaki said slowly and awkwardly as he gripped Miyano's hand softly and walked into the living room to sit on the couch. He sat down and Miyano did as well, he let go of his significant other's hand and grabbed the remote.

As the smaller watched his boyfriend fumble with it nervously, he laid his hand on top of Sasaki's to slowly lower it.

"If you don't want to do anything like that right now then I understand.. but please don't feel so nervous, if you're weirded out by the idea it's perfectly fine-" Miyano looked down at his hand and Sasaki's (which he was gripping tightly) with shame in his eyes and a slight, somberly smile.

He was cut off by Sasaki pulling his right hand out of Miyano's grasp and cupping his face. "It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I felt like anything I might do would be too much for you or..

—I don't know what I'm trying to say..just.. don't think that you did anything" the other corrected him.

Miyano went red.. or more so.. crimson. "I- don't think anything you do would be too much. I want you too Shuumei, I have certain feelings aswell so.. you're not the only one." Miyano declared,

which led to Sasaki pulling him into a tight hug; he was pulled up onto his knees (from sitting on the couch frontwards with his feet on the floor) and in between Sasaki's legs. Which, were far enough to where they were barely touching the latter.

Sasaki squeezed his significant other tightly and whispered "I love you" under his breath into Miyano's shoulder, but Miyano heard, he always had, and of course, does, Sasaki wasn't good at whispering—

—but that was just yet another thing that Miyano loved about him. He could name multiple times where Sasaki had said things under his breath that Miyano, otherwise wouldn't have heard. Though glad he had. "I love you too Shuumei.. so so much"

Inaudible Whispers ||A Sasaki to Miyano Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now