Alicia the Tormented Braixen

Start from the beginning

"Sh-Shut up!" said Alicia.

"You can't hide it big sis! It is all written in your diary!" said the naughty little Fennekin.

"You read my diary?! THAT IS PRIVATE!" screamed the Braixen.

"I couldn't help it big sis, you left your door unlocked yesterday so I was able to enter your room and read your not-so-secret diary! Hahaha!" said the Fennekin.


"Enough!" yelled the father. Alicia and Kyle immediately quieted down after they heard their father switching into a serious tone.

"Now, now Alicia. We already talked about relationship. I know that as a teenager, you are really craving for a relationship. However, I won't allow it. Having a boyfriend will distract you from studying properly. As your father, I will really be ashamed if you fail your studies. I really want to see you become a prominent scholar like your grandfather. Not many pokemon are as smart as you, Alicia. You should be grateful of your intelligence and use it to the fullest." Scolded the father.

At this point Alicia was unsure whether her high intelligence was a gift or a curse. Knowing that Alicia was a prodigy, her pushy parents forced her to study excessively since she was just a small fennekin. Alicia had mastered many subjects like grammar, logic, and rhetoric when she was just six years old, arithmetic and geometry when she was seven years old, and now, at the age of fourteen, their parents forced her to study both medicine and alchemy at the university of Aeterna under the tutelage of Professor Magnus, a famous polymath which was none other than her own grandfather. Her high intelligence earned her a lot of praise and recognition, but her loneliness made her unhappy and nobody understood her, at least for now.

"But dad, isn't it natural to fall in love as a teenager?! Why are you forbidding something that is natural?" argued Alicia.

"Just because something is natural doesn't mean it is good. There are a lot of other examples of bad but natural things such as lust for power, greed, and so on." Said the Alicia's father.

"Why do you have to be so cold and overly strict dad?!" asked Alicia angrily.

"I'm not cold. I'm just being logical, and I'm doing this for your own good, Alicia." Said the father.

"Remember Alicia, a philosopher once said that love is a serious mental disease. This couldn't be any truer. When you are in love, you are unable to think clearly and rationally, and that condition is the same as having a mental illness. As a psychic type, your mind is your greatest asset. If you lose it, you lose everything. Do you understand Alicia?" asked the father.

"Sigh... yes dad." Said Alicia submissively. She knew that she would not stand a chance in a debate against her own father, who was an accomplished philosopher and mathematician. She then continued eating without uttering a single word.

"The food was delicious! Thanks mom!" said Kyle.

"You're welcome sweetie," said the mother.

"Now that I have finished the meal, may I return to my room?" asked Alicia.

"Yes, you may. Study well and get enough sleep." Said Alicia's father.

" Of course, father." Said Alicia. The two then returned to their own rooms.

In her room, Alicia returned to her desk and continued to write her diary. Writing had become the only way to ease her pain.

Many psychic type pokemon envy my intellect. If only they knew how much I suffer because of it.

The Braixen wrote. She then looked to the left. A thick book titled "General Alchemy" was sitting on the desk, waiting to be read. At first, she did not care, but then she realized that she had no choice but to study hard. Alicia was scared of her father. Like all psychic type pokemon, he was able to read minds, so Alicia could not lie to her father. Her father would not hesitate to use his mind-reading ability on her own daughter to make sure that Alicia really obeyed him when he ordered her to study. Alicia closed the diary, and began studying until midnight, like she always did, before finally going to bed.

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