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      Calesti was always conscious within her stone prison, which imprisoned her for centuries after Sky's fall. Therefore, her surprise was great when the heavy stone door in front of her began to move.

      The Temple walls rumbled as if crying out to be removed, dust fell from the vaulted ceiling and spread like a smoke screen across the hall. The sound of the stone sliding across the ground was amazing, a melody that she missed too much and that she thought she would never hear again. It caused her an uncontrollable euphoria, that, if she could do it, she would have left her prison to see the event more closely.

      Calesti waited impatiently for the mechanism to stop. The movement was slow, punishing, as if it was aware of her urge to get out of her place and decided to make it even more torturous for her. The typical thunderous blow that indicated that all movement had ceased, increased her curiosity.

      The dust began to diminish as the wind blew slightly inside the room, also taking with it the feeling of confinement that had accompanied her all this long time. After several minutes, she could only observe the shape slightly overshadowed by a weak light; it was there that she noticed the small figure that was at her entrance, holding a spark of Light in his little hands, and that he was looking curiously into the room with her little eyes shining from the energy inside him. He was a child of the Light.

       Nirabata began to slowly move over the bridge that led him toward the statue. His curious gaze went to the huge windows darkened by dirt. No doubt the place had been abandoned long ago.

      Once in front of the statue and with the flame in his hands, he allowed himself to observe it in detail: it was a woman seated on a rock, holding in her right hand a long cane that was slightly twisted at the top, and in her left hand a bird perched; her hair fell down her back, her face was a little raised, but you could see that she had a kind of headband on her forehead that stuck up a little bit on two points like little horns. The carving detail was beautiful.

      The boy moved even closer, noticing a candle on the ground. He didn't hesitate to lean down and turn it on. Then, a sudden wind blew strongly in front of the little boy, who ran out of the room and hid between the walls of the previous room. He didn't understand what was happening.

      There was a rattling of rocks for several minutes, the ground trembled a little more, and then a piercing light radiated from within.

      The boy stood still, waiting intently in case he had to run away. Along with the light, there was a soft tinkle that little by little quieted until it could no longer be heard, and finally, the light disappeared. The silence was broken again only by the soft whistling of the wind.

      Despite the fact that the little boy had been wandering for several days, the things he had discovered so far had not caused such strange noises. What if he had broken the temple? At any moment someone could appear to reprimand him, right?

      "Don't be afraid, little one." Said a whispering voice that covered every nook and cranny of the temple and made the boy tense in his hiding place.

      Calesti didn't want to scare him, although that sounded a bit impossible, since the boy surely had no knowledge of her.

      With the Light that the child gave him, a bit of magic returned to her, so making use of it, she transformed her gigantic presence into that of a Skydian. It was strange to feel the Light passing through her body again. The warmth on her chest made her feel happy. Being alive again was magnificent and she couldn't wait to find out what new developments the Island would have after her long sleep.

      "Little one?" Now the voice was much softer, calm, and welcoming.

      The boy peeked out a bit from his hiding place and looked at a beautiful white-haired woman who was squatting, waiting for him to come closer, however, he didn't come out immediately. In his short adventure around Isle of Dawn he had never met anyone else. Until now, he had believed that he was the only human in existence. Everything was new, unknown, and strange.

      He took a tentative step out of hiding from her. He didn't know if the woman was smiling, but for a moment it seemed to him that she was behind that white mask with dark dragon-like eyes. Now that she was a normal size, they didn't seem much different.

      "I'm Calesti," she said, introducing herself. "Do you have a name?"

      The little boy cocked his head at her curiously and nodded.


      Calesti read the letters that formed above the boy's head. She was a little surprised to realize that the little boy did not have a call at the moment to "talk," but she did not mention anything about it for the moment.

      "Nirabata. It is a very cute name. she said instead.

      The boy finally finished approaching the woman and respectfully bowed ninety degrees.

      Calesti smiled.

      A child of the Light was a good sign, especially after the destruction of Sky. She hoped that somehow everything that had happened in the past could be reversed now that there seemed to be a little hope. Nirabata will surely have a long way to go.

I'm excited for Calesti to finally have been introduced! I'd love to hear what you all think of her <3 

Although the art attached was drawn with red hair, Calesti has white hair.  

Also, Have a sketch I did of her: 

Also, Have a sketch I did of her: 

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