LEVEL 68 - "All For One?!"

Start from the beginning

The mystery-man stands infront of Shigaraki who was still on the ground, holding out his hand.

"Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this is for you."

Shigaraki seemed to freeze at those words, not moving a muscle.

"Ah." The man turned away to face a cloud of smoke, "There you are."

All Might darted forward from the sky, attempting to deliver a punch to the man only for it to get blocked.

"I'll have you return my students, All for One!" All Might declared.

All for One..? Y/n tilted her head to the side. It sounds similar to One for All...

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?" All for One chortles, voice filled with a sick kind of joy.

A large shockwaves knocks the two students and League back.

"It took you long enough to find us. It's only five kilometers from the bar to here, and yet it was at least 30 seconds after I sent the Nomus that you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might." All for One notes as the smoke clears.

"You're the one to talk, it's kind of difficult to ignore that fancy life-support mask you've got on. Aren't you over exerting?" All Might retorts.

Y/n's eyes widen, The man held off All Might's attack with his bare fist..

"I won't repeat the mistake I made five years ago. You hear me? I will take Young Bakugo and Young L/n back. And I will make certain you're locked up for the rest of your sad life. Right along with your despicable League of Villains!" All Might charges towards the man, preparing his fist.

"Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. This will be hard for us both." Something builds up in his sleeve as right when All Might is about to deliver the punch, a strong wind blows, knocking the man back.

He crashed through multiple buildings, them collapsing ontop eachother.

"Hm. Air Cannon plus Spring-like Limbs. Kinetic Booster times four. Strength Enhancer times three. What a delightful combination. Maybe a few more enhancers next time.." All for One says, making e/c eyes widen.

Combination... Combination of quirks..?

She quickly focus's to view his profile, painfully curious about what his quirk is.


Name :: [REDACTED] Shigaraki
Age :: 200+
Gender :: Male
Quirk :: All For One
Blood Type :: [?]
Weaknesses :: [?] , [?]
Role: N/A


N/A?! Fuck did it mean 'Not Available'?! It'd be pretty useful to know if this guys going to kill her or not!

Y/n was panicking. A lot.

She didn't show it though, she couldn't. Not here, and not now.

Smoke blows past them as a gasp rings next to her, "All Might!"

"Dont worry. It'll take more than that to kill him." All for One looks towards Shigaraki, "Get off the battlefield, Tomura. And take those children with you."

The tips of his fingers turn pitch black with red cracks, branch-like spikes shooting out and stabbing into Kurogiri's unconscious body.

"Kurogiri. Warp them away." All for One orders as Kurogiri's body starts to twitch.

Magne runs forward, "Be careful! One of the heroes messed with him and he's unconscious. I'm not sure what's going on, but if you can teleport, why don't you get us out of here?"

"My warp power is still new, Magne. There is much I need to learn about it. It's distance is limited, and while he can teleport to specific coordinates, I only transport people to and from my own location. Or, with focus, to or from someone I am very familiar with. That is all. It's easier to have Kurogiri do it."

A large warp gate appears as All for One hums, "Forcible Quirk Activation. Leave this place."

Shigaraki looks at the man, "What about you?"

A large explosion in the distance draws their attention as All Might jumps into the air, darting towards the supervillain once again.

"You're not thinking, Tomura. There remains much room for you to grow." All for One explains before blocking an attack from All Might.

Wind blows harshly as Shigaraki stares up at the two fighting, "Master..."

"Let's go, Shigaraki." Compress calls, turning Dabi (who was unconscious) into a marble, "While our masked lead is keeping All Might entertained. Claim your prizes."

Y/n sighs, mentally preparing for the shit show that is bound to happen any moment.

She does not get payed enough for this— scratch that, she doesn't get paid at all.

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