Chapter 3: Accidents and explanations

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Tom's P.O.V.

It was the strangest thing I'd seen yet. It was a glowing dragon. I mean yes we've seen in glowing plants down at the bottom of the fissure but but I'd never seen a glowing dragon before. It was eerily beautiful and yet I still felt like we should keep our distance. If creatures glow it's usually for a reason like tree frogs are bright colours to indicate poison this dragon was probably glowing for a reason.

"What do you think it is pall?" I whispered to thunder. At that the dragon looked up and stared at us I froze for a moment before it started flying towards us.

"Ha you missed" I yelled as I jumped to a side my hands cupped around my mouth to make me sound louder. Then I realised, I couldn't move. It must be the mist it blew at us. I was dead I was sure of it. This was it goodbye cruel world.

Buzzsaw's P.O.V.

I was out in the forest with the dragons who I dubbed Old Jack. Anyway Old Jack and I were cutting down some branches to use for a new fire when we saw Tom and his dragon fly over and land on the lake. Be curious I decided to take a look and then I saw it. A dragon eyes encountered when I first got down here, a dragon spits mist that freezes you in place, was drinking from the lake quite close to where Tom and thunder had Landed. Right now there wasn't much I could do as the Dragon was facing in my direction, if I even moved a muscle it would probably see me.

After a few moments Tom and thunder caught the dragons attention. I saw it fly straight at tom who jumped out of the way but was caught in the mist after yelling "ha you missed". Ironic.

Then I saw it readying to kill him. anger flash through my body. If anyone was going to kill the little brat it would be me not some dragon. So before I could stop myself I acted. I ran out onto the lake screaming at the top of my lungs and I lobbed my axe at the Dragon. That did it. It instantly flew away in fear from the loud noise.

I got about 10ft before I broke down panting from exhaustion and I walked the rest of the way over to him. I looked him over and it looks like he inhaled a good amount of the mist meaning he would be frozen for about an hour. Great. He would probably be able to talk in about 5 minutes though so I might be able to get information out of him.

5 minutes later...

After tying a blindfold around Tom's eyes and dragging him back to my camp I propped him up next to a tree. By this point he could talk he was asking me plenty of questions like "why did you save me?" "Why did you blindfold me" "are you going to use me as dragon bait?" "Where's thunder?" After the same few questions being repeated for about a minute I got bored very quickly.

"You know what I'll answer your questions if you shut up afterwards" I said really annoyed at this point. "What questions you got? hit me with them."

"First of all why did you blindfold me?" He asked like it was obviously the first thing he'd ask.

"Because I didn't want you knowing where my camp is" I said attempting to carve yet another whistle from a piece of wood.

"Okay, where's thunder?" He asked attempting to look around for him even though he couldn't move and he's blindfolded.

"He's right next to you"

"Why did you scream at it?"

"Dragons don't like loud noise"

"What makes it glow?"

"How should I know?"

"Am I in a cage?"

"No your leant up against a tree"

"How long before I will be able to move?"

"You breathe the lots of the gas in so so probably about another 10 minutes. The effects last less time the less you breathe in but it will still freeze you if it just touches your skin"

"Why did you save me?"


"If anyone is going to kill you it will be me"

He smirked "is that the real reason or did you just want to talk to me?"

"Quick pushing it" I said putting down the log and walking over to him. I put my axe in the the tree with all the strength I could right next to his head.

"Right now you are completely defenceless I could just take you back out onto that lake and let that dragon kill you or I could kill you and your dragon myself." His smile quickly left when I said that.

"Yeah, think next time before you speak." I said walking back to my stump but before I could even get two steps he groaned and said "but I always have to do the thinking. I make the plans they never follow so we can avoid certain death and stuff. Can I just be an annoying kid for once?"

That caught me of guard. He made plans for the group? But he also said they never followed them. I mean they do have Eugene on their team. I've met him he is annoying and never follows rules. It must get annoying after a while. Scratch annoying it must get down right infuriating. It reminded me of the lumberjacks I had to fire because they never followed orders.

"That must get annoying for you. I know that pain but sadly you can't do what I did" I said looking at him sympathetically for a moment. Wait no he is my enemy why am I feeling sympathy?

"Oh really what was your situation and how did you fix it."

"well I used to own a lumber company, I don't know if you know that, but a while back I had a couple of lumberjacks who would not follow orders including safety orders and fire drill orders so after them all refusing to follow orders including safety orders and fire drill orders 3 times I fired them" I explained and even behind the blindfold I could tell his eyes were full of shock understanding and... Envy? Right, he can't fire his friends.

"I mean I knew you ran a lumber company but I didn't know you had to do that" he said which confused me. My lumber company was very local and only people who were really from around here knew about it. the brand name was famous but there wasn't an obvious connection between me and the company.

"How do you know I ran a lumber company?" I asked suspiciously

"Well you know that electrical fire that started at your company" he asked. I half expected him to admit that he was the one who started the fire with his dragon but I was wrong "yeah well I saw that fire happening so I went and got some water dragons to put it out and I saw you there while I was putting it out"

I was in shock, all this time I assumed the boy that started the fire but he was really they're trying to put it out.

"Actually that's one of the very few times that things went completely according to plan and nothing went wrong" he said pondering the thought for a second before going back to talking nonsense about random things.

It had been about an hour of him standing there before I noticed his arm was twitching slightly.

"Ah good it looks like the mist is wearing off" I said

"How do you know that" he asked staring at me with slight or on his face.

"Your limbs twitched slightly, that is a sign that the mist is wearing off"

"Thanks, that's good to know and don't worry I won't tell my friends your here" he said smiling

"Why don't you want to stop me" I asked confused

"Well yes however number one they don't know I'm here number two think of it as a thanks for saving me" he smiled before mounting thunder and flying off leaving me with some new and very confusing thoughts.

Axes and Lightning ((Tom x Buzzsaw) Dragons the nine realms)Where stories live. Discover now