chapter 14: dangers of knowing

Start from the beginning

He then swiped left on his scroll to see an old family portrait of his family, his mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, and him in a young age.

Keep on becoming a huntsman, and I know you'll keep others safe like you dreamt of, his grandma would say.

He then remembered himself being in a fight with 2 thugs, and aniki was getting his butt handed.

Just why do you want to hurt these people? there's no point, he shouted.

Hehehe, a bold one, they're easy to deal with, one of the thugs said.

Just then a huntsman knocked the two from behind.

Not bad kid, didn't fall on your first go, what are you fighting them for? He asked.

Aniki then looked to see the two little kids peeking out of hiding.

Good job kid, let's get you all home, the huntsman said.

Aniki soon was taken home by the huntsman, where his mother saw him.

There you are, where was he? Aniki's mother asked.

Protecting two small kids from thugs, the huntsman said.

Just then Aniki's mother slapped him.

I told you not to get yourself in trouble, Aniki's mother said.

Now give the boy honor you dunderhead, he did the right thing, Aniki said. 

Mom, don't put that in his head, Aniki's mother said.

Your brother-in-law became a huntsman, he's a golden heart, and I do believe my grandbaby has the potential, Aniki's grandma said.

He'll be a landscaper, Aniki's mother said.

How are you going to build land when there are those demons swarming around town? He has the pair to become one of those fighters, he may even get into the big leagues, Atlas might take him under his wing though it's his choice, Aniki's grandma said.

What about beacon? Aniki said.

Aniki, what did I say? Aniki's mother said.

No, let the boy speak, I let your husband speak when he wanted to say something, go ahead aniki, aniki's grandma said.

Well, I want to enroll in Beacon because I want to help the undefendable, help others, even if it's getting a cat down, Aniki said.

And...? Aniki's grandma said.

And I want to make friends, or allies if you prefer, Aniki said.

Just then Aniki's grandma got up from her chair with her cane and slowly walked to Aniki.

You, my grandchild, is a heart filled boy, i think you do deserve to be one, now go get some sleep, a huntsman needs his energy to fight, Aniki's grandma said.

Soon aniki shook his head to snap back to reality.

Thank you grandma, Aniki said as he placed his scroll away.

As he walked around, he heard wings flapping.

Nevermore! Aniki said frantically looking around.

Nope, it's me, Catie said landing as her wings disappeared.

Haha, never going to find the difference between you and a nevermore, Aniki said.

Yeah, Cassidy would often say that, Catie said.

Cassidy, the oldest McCann, i like to ask do you know where she is? Aniki said.

No, she told me to fly far from where we were, just like she did with Cas, neither of us know where she is, Catie said.

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