~ Birthday Special! ~ (Doors: Multiplayer Gang)

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Time: 1AM
Timeline: ???
( - everyone is roommates - )

( - Third Person POV: Tallishi - )
Tallishi rushed down the hallway, waking everyone up with the help of Noobixm and Amethyst. Once she'd gathered everyone in the living room, Tallishi began explaining. Actually, not everyone was there—one person had been excluded, and was able to sleep for longer.

"Alright everyone, today is Midnight's birthday," Tallishi began.

"Dafuq? It's 1AM!" Vas pointed out, slightly annoyed and really tired.

"Yes, but let's be honest; no one here remembered or got a gift." Tallishi replied. Everyone fell silent. No one could really argue with that.

"LET'S GO RAID THE NEAREST STORE!" Blossom suggested, grinning.

"YEAH!" Amethyst agreed enthusiastically.

"ARSON!" Blossom cheered.

"Sure, I'll join in." Fandy agreed. In a flash, Fandy, Blossom, and Amethyst were gone, busy absolutely destroying the nearest couple stores.

Tallishi sighed and facepalmed.

"Alright, see ya." Vas said, holding up the peace sign and disappearing.

"I remembered to get Midnight a gift." Dreamscape offered. Tallishi laughed a little bit.

"Same here."

"So did I." Crystal agreed, finally speaking up.

"Back," Vas announced, randomly appearing with Noobixm and Amethyst right next to him. Noobixm seemed to have teleported the three back. "Now all that's left is to wait for those two idiots to come back."

"ARSONNNNN!" Blossom screeched, busting down the door. She was holding up a newly-made lighter in her hands, and began aggressively wrapping it up. Everyone stared at her.


"NO!" Blossom shouted, running out of the room. Amethyst and Noobixm began chasing after her. Tallishi sighed yet again, straight up done with the two children (Blossom and Amethyst).

"What the hell is going on here??" a tired voice exclaimed. Midnight stepped into the room. Tallishi turned on the bright room light, revealing gifts in everyone's hands. "OHHH—" Midnight realized. "You guys remembered!" she said happily. Tallishi nodded and handed Midnight her gift.

Everyone lined up to give Midnight her birthday present—except for Blossom and Fandy, who shoved other people out of the way in order to be the first to hand Midnight her present. They really didn't care when everyone else got mad at them.

"What's going on?" Crystal asked Dreamscape after she'd handed Midnight her gift.

"I'm not sure." Dreamscape admitted with a shrug as he watched Amethyst chase Blossom around, who was waving a lighter in the air and laughing maniacally. Tallishi, Midnight, and Vas were calmly talking, ignoring the two chaotic children. Fandy soon joined Blossom and Amethyst, whilst Noobixm watched from the side. The second a bag of popcorn appeared in his hands, Amethyst, Blossom, and Fandy instantly turned on him.

It was basically what happens when you pull out a pack of gum in school. :)

C H A O S .  :)

(It's short cause am really tired + I'm late lol)

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