"We're stuck in here," Dustin sighed.

We all glanced around, making eye contact with our fellow inmates.


"Just so you nerds are aware: I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's tonight, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow, and my mom finds out you four are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throats."

"She's not wrong," I sighed with a weak laugh, looking around. No one else thought it was funny.

"I don't care about Tina! Or Uncle Jack's party!" Steve erupted, slamming his hands on the cardboard box on the table. "Your mom isn't going to be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!"

"You'd be surprised," I shrugged. Erica rolled her eyes at both of us.

"Hey, there's a latch here," Dustin said, pointing to a square on the roof of the room. "What if we climbed out?"

The boys rushed over to the latch, and opened it. Steve boosted Dustin up, and then followed after him, their grunts echoing through the chamber.

"You guys see anything we could use to climb?" I asked up into the shaft.

"Absolutely not," Dustin called back, and they both dropped back down into the elevator again.

"We've got to be in like, the center of the earth," Steve shook his head.

"Extremely unlikely. If we were it'd be about 200 degrees hotter in here," Dustin shook his head.

"Okay smartass," Steve sighed under his breath. I have him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, mostly because I was desperate for contact. Anything that connected us together, even for a brief moment. My waist burned from where his arms had been.

"We're at least 50 stories down. Maybe more. You can't even see the top from here," Dustin explained to the rest of the group.

"Do you have signal?" I asked.

"We can always check," Dustin nodded, pulling off his backpack and rummaging around it for his walkie talkie. "Code red. I repeat we have a code red. Does anyone copy?"

Static filled the room.

He clicked it on again. "This is a code red, we are minors in need of immediate assistance! Does anyone copy?"


"It probably doesn't reach," Robin sighed, plopping down on the ground.

"Well what do we do then? Give up?" Steve scoffed dramatically, still high strung.

"What choice do we have?" She spat back.

"None!" I said, forcing all four of my friends turned to look at me. "We're stuck here." The mood immediately dropped. It was like everyone deflated all at once. Shit. "What time is it, does anyone have a watch?"

Dustin looked down at his wrist. His Spiderman watch. I got that for his 12th birthday. "It's 10:00."

"Well maybe no one heard because the mall is closed," I offered optimistically. Dustin nodded, but the rest didn't buy it. I think I even saw Erica shake her head. But Dustin was convinced, and maybe it was enough to get at least one of them to calm down. "Let's try again in the morning. 7:00, when the mall is opened. Someone has to hear then."

"I'll keep first watch," Dustin nodded, putting his backpack back over his shoulder.

"Watch? What is there to watch?" Erica asked.

The Babysitters: Steve Harrington x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz