Chapter 23 **A door Closing, A whole wall Opening!**

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To be honest, I felt better that Lady Venus would not cause any trouble to me anymore. I did dislike her and did not know how I could obtain some kind of revenge on her for what she had done to me.

Jorne told me upon what Lady Venus had obtained and even wanted to do to me and I was appalled...

...Lady Venus was just one of those women that wanted everything...She felt like she was above everyone else and that she deserved everything she got and everything she wanted.

How was it that Malory and Lady Venus were related? They were so different!

A few weeks had gone by since we had returned now, and I'd say that Lady Venus's beheading was the event that really was the biggest out of them all!

Other things happened though, and some were good, while others...Weren't so good...

The weasel had to hand over the books, granted, that was a hilarious moment and I wish it had lasted longer!

I had so much fun sticking my nose up to that weasel after so long of bowing down to her!

I had a lot more power then before and honestly, I was in a fighting mood still, so I took the books roughly, stating a simple 'Thank you', not giving her much else!

Ahh! Yeah, the daggers from her stares would have killed me if I didn't have some type of power shield over me. Well, she just had to get used to it and that was that!

It was after the weasel handed over the books to me that everything else slowly fell into place too. My guards finally saw how doted upon I was by everyone and finally put my safety first. I did have my fun with them though, which Jorne doesn't think helped, but I believe protecting a fair maiden, to a man, was much easier to tolerate in my eyes...And that was what I emphasized on my one sided conversation with them!

The new maid that served me did start of by being the weasel's person but...I seem to have switched her and so when I found out, I could only pull a face onto Jorne!

See...People like me! Apparently, I look very beautiful, but I also have some 'charming' personality! So, my prince, don't you see that it's me that they serve, not their jobs! They should dote on me just like you do! Haha!

It was times like these, where I was full over myself, that I made mistakes and I would hear a snicker...Or a chuckle...

I would see a smile that would be erased like it was never there...A turn of the head...

Those little...

Just as I would get slightly angry, the new maid would come to me and shake her head right in front of my face!

"Princess, it is no wonder that it was quite a sad time when people had heard of your death all that time ago..." With my maid saying this, it was only then I realized that I was more liked that I had originally thought. Yes, the maid and guards didn't trust me at first but when they all looked back to that strange Crowned Princess at the beginning of the marriage to the Crowned Prince, they couldn't help but laugh. Their hearts seemed to store away what they held for me back then and it was just opened back up again now.

Of course, no one seems to understand how I disappeared, or when, as it was never explained but...It was quite obvious that I had come to the palace for some time, people thinking I had disappeared upon the 'death'.

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