01 - The Three Chosen

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Cries of three babies can be heard through out the village of the Boonies: Hage.

"Here we go again..." The priest said as he took the babies in. With magic he started a fire that seem to calm down the three crying babies.

"There, there...There you are. Those three finally calmed down." The priest sighed as he looked at the three sleeping babies.

"Are they brothers and sisters or twins? No, they're not. These two are rather calm, but this one seems like he has a lot of spunk." — The man said. "First of all, these one doesn't look a thing alike the other two."

The Priest pulled down the cover of the boy and the gurl revealing there names to be Yuno and Yuko both have some type of jewelry next to them.

"Let's see. And the spunky one over here is—" He was cut off with a kick to the face by the baby as that said baby cheered. "Hey! You're a bit too spunky...Asta, eh?"

"Right! You three don't need to worry about a thing anymore. Starting today, this is your new home. Asta, Yuko, and Yuno."


And just like that 15 years has passed since Father had taken those three children in.

"Hopefully, we'll have a great hat this year." A man said as he dig into the soil.

"Yeah" Another one said as he created water out of nothing shooting it up into the air as it bursted and fell down on the soil.

"Sister Lily!"

"What the...?"

"Must be that ruby from the church again."

"I'll become the Wizard King someday and make you happy!" Asta stated. "So please marry me!"

"I'm sorry, Asta, but I'm everyone's sister." She replied.

"Not yet!" He yelled in her face startling her.

"Um...I'm sorry."

"I'm not giving up yet!"

"Er, um...But..."

"I'm not giving up!" Asta yells as he repeatedly hits his head on the ground as Sister Lily continued to apologize.

Sister Lily pulls out her grimoire as if glowed a fist of water was made in the air above them.

"Water creation Magic: Holy Fist of Love!"

She said as the fist came down on top of Asta slamming him into the ground, she quickly apologized for using her grimoire without thinking.

"Well done, sister" Recca clapped.

"No mercy whatsoever." Nash sighed.

"When do you plan on giving up?" Yuko asked, a foolish question as Asta jumps into the air like a frog but Yuno quickly slams him into the water bucket with his Wind Magic.


"How many times does she have to dump you?" Nash sighed.

"Why are you getting in my way too, Yuno?!"

"Why? Because you're loud, short, obnoxious, and immature."


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