Chapter 12

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I bit my nails as I was still in the bathtub. Looking right at the picture he sent me intensely. The sickness I felt earlier was suddenly gone. Because a new emotion appeared.


The picture he sent me was of my house...but, he said he wasn't here.

Obviously he lied to me.

I quickly got out of the bathtub and put some clothes on. No. There's no way he's here right now.

I go over to my room and lock myself in.

I'm scared.

Why am I scared?

Because Billy is crazy and you know that (Y/n)!

I close my eyes and pretend nothing is happening.

Knock knock knock

My front door. Someone is knocking at my front door. If it was either of my parents they would have just opened it with the key they have.

Then who is it?


I jumped from fear. The knocking got louder.

Suddenly my phone went off.

I quickly grabbed my phone to see who was calling me.


Huh? Why is he calling me? I answered his call.


" Hello (Y/n)."

My breath stopped. Why is Billy's voice coming from Damien's phone? "B-Billy?"

" I don't know (Y/n). Why don't you check the front door."

" How did you get a hold of my friend's phone?"

" Don't ask questions bitch. Open the door!"

I jumped once again from his voice. He just called me a bitch...This isn't like Billy at all.

" Why should I?"

" Why? Oh because if you don't I'll kill your pretty pretty friend!"


I slowly unlocked my door to my room and walked downstairs to the front door. " Are you messing with me right now Billy?"

" Am I (Y/n)? Now open the door."

LoveSick Ghostface x Reader DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now