Chapter 14 - Gringotts and Shopping.

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Disclaimer: Small change in age of a character.

Small change regarding the age of Perseus Black son of Regulus Black and Freja Erika Black nee Eriksson is made. Earlier I have made the story like he is only 8-month-old baby. But for the clarity in story and development I have come to the decision of changing the age. He along with Phoebe will be in their second year when Harry stars school.

****Small changes were made. Nothing based on story. just fill some words here and there to give the sentence a structure I thought it needs. Nothing Biggy!... ****

Potter Castle.

Narrator's POV:

It was after the birthday celebration Sirius black and his family left to Black Manor, their family home. Black manor was once used to place the family's heir live, but due to an attack in 1708 by a Dark lord that place get destroyed and Grimmauld place get commissioned for the heir's family. But due to Sirius's childhood trauma associated with that place and Regulus Black's wish to live there, the elders said Sirius and his family to live in the recently renovated Black Manor. It was Arcturus Black that decided during the raise of Voldemort that the ancestral manor need to be renovated and new wards need to be put in that place alongside old, to make a safehouse for Black family members.

It was then charlus decided it's getting a lot of time and they need to go to Gringotts for their appointment ate 10.30. Now it is 10 AM, so charlus informed Dorea and Harry "Hades go and write acceptance letter to Hogwarts and come back wearing a semi-casual robe. We are going to Gringotts. Dorea goes and check if you need anything also". Dorea went to check on the items she needs to take from the family vault and Hadrian decided to go and do write the replay for Hogwarts and send it with the family owl names Dixie a spot-bellied eagle owl. Later both find Charlus in floo parlour waiting for them to leave. From there they go to Diagonally, for the first time since that fated night of hallow eve anyone of them does not apply any kind of glamour. It first time Hadrian is making his first public appearance.

Taking a handful of floo powder Hadrian called "Diagon Ally", with so much grace he could muster up he steadied himself. Charlus and dorea followed him. As soon as he stepped out of fireplace someone from the people present their took notice of him and announced, "Bless me it's Harry Potter". Hadrian can see the entire bar going quiet. Soon as they registered, he was their people start to flock towards him abandoning everything they were doing till now. The nearest person was the first to reach him and was going to shake hands with him, suddenly a cane comes out of nowhere and stopped the person suddenly. He will never admit in his lifetime that he was this much happy to see his uncle Lucy. From the corner of his sees he can also see that his grandfather and grandmother also had arrived.

Lucius: It will be appreciable if you keep yourself from invading other's personal space Mr...

Pavley: Edward Pavley, it's nice to meet you, Harry Potter. "The man introduced himself as Pavley told ignoring Lucius. Which didn't sit well with Hadrian at all. In addition to completely ignoring a family member of Hadrian he also completely ignores his birth name. a name given by his late parents."

Hadrian: With all due respect Mr. Pavley my name is Hadrian Potter. And I think it was a clarified matter as such expect people to refine from calling me the nick name my late parents used to call me in such familiar manner. And I don't think it is a hard matter to understand. It was nice meeting you as well. "Hadrian can see the face of Mr. Pavley goes blank."

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