Chapter 5 - Gringotts part 2

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Narrators POV:

Diagonally. 11 Nov 1981.

As Dorea and Hades went after the goblin healer Axecure. Charlus decided to wait for the account ledge. He only ended up staying a few minutes. Ragnarök came back with the transaction history of the previous year. As Charlus goes through the transaction, he sees so much money being drawn to Dumbledore's account alongside some others.

Charlus: Director Ragnarök is there any way to get this money back?

Ragnarök: It's not possible as it has been taken with the permission of your son James. But the artefacts and books on the other hand can be taken back. It is not owned by James Potter it entirely belongs to the Potter family. So, as your heir, James Potter can loan and access these artefacts and books. But he can never change its ownership. It can only be done by the head of the family. On sighting the passing of James Potter, we can inform these people to submit these items here at Gringotts till new decisions are made by the Head of the family.

Charlus: Do it. Take back everything you can Director Ragnarök.

Ragnarök: It shall be done. The available beneficiaries have arrived (He informed Charlus after a messenger goblin left). First, let's unseal the will. Then we can proceed with its reading. "Telling this he placed the sealed "Wills" in front of Charlus."

Charlus: I Charlus James Potter, Lord of Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter do hereby unseal the will of Jamerson Charlus Potter, my son and Lillian Ianthe Potter nee Hale my daughter-in-law. Members of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, so I say. So maybe it is. "With that Charlus unseal their will by placing the Head of the House ring on the will".

Then Ragnarök began to leave for the "Will reading and Inheritance office". Charlus after putting on his glamour also began to follow him out. When they entered the room where the "Will" reading was going to take place. Charlus saw the people he knew well. Including Merlene Black nee McKinnon and Augusta Longbottom with her grandson Neville Longbottom. Charlus came to Know what had happened to her son and daughter-in-law. It was a heinous crime that had been committed against the Longbottom couple. He and Dorea just come back to Britain from St. Petersburg at that time. When they came to know about what happened, they initially thought about visiting them. But later postponed it to take care of Hades. The perpetrators have been arrested at the crime scene. But one unknown member managed to escape. Everyone is hoping to find the identity from the trial of his companions. Charlus approaches Augusta discreetly and slips a note asking for an audience with her at Potter Manor in a few days.

Dowager Augusta Longbottom is a strict witch. Generally known to the people for her dedication, unwavering stands, and firm opinion. Initially, Augusta is a little bit confused seeing the place addressed in the notes she got asking for a meeting. Later she concluded that the person in front of her was a potter from some unknown cadet line. Only a Potter can enter Potter Manor without being keyed to the ward. Especially when the manor is a lockdown right now. He may come to Britain after the death of the previous Lord and Lady Potter (she thinks it is after death of the Lord Potter a.k.a James Potter) to finish any pending businesses and take guardianship of Heir Potter. And they may have some business to finish with her son. She decided to meet with him as soon as possible. She was about to ask for his identity when she saw him discretely indicating they could talk later in a proper environment.

Ragnarök: We are here to read the will of late Jamerson Charlus potter and Lilian Potter nee Hale.

Merlene: Hale! "Exclaimed Merlene in shock."

Merlene Black nee McKinnon (Well the Black part is not known to many people. As she is secretly married to Sirius Black. Who is now in Azkaban. Charlus came to know about their marriage from Dorea.) was not able to resist asking the questions as soon the last name was announced. Hale was a pure-blood Most Noble family that was assumed to end at the time of war with Grindelwald. Even though the body of their youngest son has never been found. He was a teenager at that time. So, everyone assumed he should not have made it. And all the members of the Most Noble House of Hale are believed to be dead.

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