"You see that?" Scott pointed to Olivia, "That is what I look for in agents. They realize the mistake and focus to not make it again. That's why you are worthy for this position, Johnson." Olivia gave a slight nod, but grimaced when the collar dug into her skin.

"Oh, come on now! You fellas didn't take this piece of tech off of her?" He motioned to one of the guards in the back. "Quentin, remove the collar from Johnson, will ya?"

One agent walked forward and pulled out a small knife. After pulling back her hair he made a small cut on the top of the collar, then ripped off the skin-like device from around her neck. A small line circled her neck from where the collar was worn, like the redness of your skin after you yank a band-aid off. Olivia rolled her neck around adjusting from the aching pain she must had experienced.

"Better?" Scott motioned the H.I.E.P. guards to leave the office.

"Yes, sir," Olivia rubbed her neck.

"Great. Well if I were you I'd get me some shut eye. We will start preparing the Spark Program in the morning. The chips are being shipped and should arrive tonight. I will see you two in the morning."


I told Zac I wanted to be alone and left to my room. I didn't want to stay at the H.I.E.P. headquarters anymore. The commander had gone crazy! The Spark Program needed to be shut down, and if I couldn't stop myself from it happening, I didn't want to be apart of it, especially as second-in-command. I had came to the decision that I would leave H.I.E.P. tonight, and no one was going to stop me.

I smuggled a backpack from the weapons vault, carrying my throwing knives and pistols. I had left the katana blade in my locker. It was Zac's weapon, and it wasn't mine to take. I threw a grenade or two in my side pouch and hurried back to my room.

Street clothes that I would save for special missions were thrown in the bag, except for a set of clothes I would change into before I left. I threw on a grey flannel and a heavy weight cotton-leather jacket over a navy blue long sleeve. Jeans, combat boots, and a dark beanie completed my outfit. I collected other necessities I would need: food, money, my dad's college pullover, and the framed picture of my family. I couldn't take everything I wanted, only enough for me to survive until I settle down somewhere far away from this wretched place.

The last time I tried to escape H.I.E.P. I was taken down by agents shooting rubber bullets. I never realized how powerful they were until I was shot in the back of my shoulder, leaving a scar. I remember my body covered in bruises from the fake bullets. Commander Scott insisted he didn't mean to harm me, and that the scar was to serve as a reminder that I can never leave the organization. At the time I just assumed that he meant the headquarters were to be my permanent home. Now I understood. Wherever my life took me H.I.E.P. would still try to hunt me down, despite my age. If I was going to do this, I need to stay hidden, tying any relations to H.I.E.P., even if it meant leaving Zac and my friends behind. But I can't worry about them now. As much as it pains me, I need to think for myself, and not for the ones I love.

After packing the rest of the things I would need I snuck out to the aircraft hangar. The agents guarding the planes were distracted with a poker game so it was easy for me to sneak out on foot, unnoticed. The brisk air made the hair on my neck stand up. Snow was starting to stick to the dead grass. Pine trees and brittle bushes helped conceal me as I escaped the H.I.E.P. base. I pulled my hood over to conceal my face and continued to trek through the woods to freedom.

I didn't say goodbye to Zac or Eric before I left. I didn't want to pull them into this mess. The best way for them to stay safe was if they were left out. I know what I am doing is for the best for me, but I don't know how Zac feels about me leaving. He and I have always looked out for each other and been by their sides, and now I feel like I'm failing him. I haven't made a far distance between me and the base when I developed second thoughts on going back. I had enough time to go back and convince Zac to come with me. I know how he feels about the Spark Program. He doesn't want to be a part of it as much as I do. If I turned back now, he and I could escape and start new lives together. We could be free from the commander's plans and-

My thoughts we disrupted by a large explosion in the distance. From the direction I had traveled from began to brew smoke. I could see fire raging from within the base. I turned my heels and began to sprint back to the base, unsure of what I would find. I only thought of one thing: Zac. I arrived a few moments later, the heat and blaze of fire began to burn my face. Aircrafts were destroyed, parts of the hanger had been scattered around. I saw the agents that I snuck past sprawled across the cement hangar floor, their bodies plastered with scorch marks, most likely dead from the explosion. The alarms and fire sprinklers have been triggered, not helping cease the wreck of the explosion to any avail. I shielded my mouth to try and protect the black smoke from entering my airstream. I froze entirely when I saw a familiar face by the entrance joining the hangar to the rest of the base.

My heart escaped my throat as I ran to him. I felt my knees crash onto the concrete floor as I began to lift. Several grunts and attempts later, I push the cement off of Zac. He had a deep cut on his head and multiple burn wounds on his back. His clothes were scorched, bloody where cuts grew deep in his skin. I searched frantically for any sign of life coming from my best friend. I couldn't find a pulse and I was beginning to panic. I screamed out his name, shaking his body, trying to find someway for him to regain consciousness.

"Zac, wake up!" I checked again for a pulse. Still nothing. Nothing. I screamed at him more without receiving a response.

"Zac, Zac, please wake up," I whimpered. My eyes stung from the fire, but I didn't care. "Zac, I came back for you! We can leave this place together! ZAC, I LOVE YOU, WAKE UP!" I screamed as I brushed a few of his dark, ashy hairs away from his face. He looked in pain. No, he died in pain. He could of been trying to find me and now he's dead. Because of me, my best friend, the one I care about the most, is dead. I would never be able to see his gorgeous smile, again. I'll never again have that one person that I trust my life over make a goofy remark or do things out of kindness because we loved each other. I already miss the times he would sing to me as we held each other close. I miss his obnoxious laugh that would always make me smile, even if his jokes weren't funny. I miss my other half. My soulmate is gone, and nothing can bring him back.

"ZAC!" I bawled as I cradled his head in my arms. I shielded him as I wept over Zac, his head leaning against my abdomen. I couldn't loose him. He and I had gone through so much. We were closer to each other than anyone at H.I.E.P., And I wasn't ready to let what we had go. I couldn't imagine my life without him. I started to cough between breaths since the smoke was getting thick. If I were to stay any longer, I would die. But if I did, I would be with Zac. I looked around me. The ruins of the base were going to collapse with me and Zac inside.

A hint of metal caught my eye, and when I looked down I caught my breath. Strapped to Zac's belt was his katana blade. If there was anything that was sentimental to our relationship, this blade was it. I removed the holster from his belt and slung it over my shoulder. I let more tears roll as I attempted to say goodbye. I didn't want to leave him. Hell, it was the last thing I wanted to do, but when I grasped that sword in my hand, I felt it was Zac's way on telling me I was given a second chance, a chance to really save people and do it my way. If I used this blade, Zac would be fighting along side with me, just like how it always has been.

I pressed my lips against Zac's forehead, brushing stray strands of hair away from his face, and made a vow that would change my life: "I'm doing this for you, Zac. I'm going to save people by bringing justice, starting in a city far from here, begin to treat this sickening plague that infects the globe. A safer world, full of joy and healthy, life-long relationships. This is going to start with me, and soon, I'm going to pave the way to a better community, spreading the act like wildfire across the country, and soon, the world."


Hey guys! I just want to let you guys aware that I will be having finals next week so if I haven't updated in a while it's because I am preparing for the end of the school year. Comment and rate!


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