Chapter 11

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"It looks like it's healed up nicely," Sayuru spoke as she gently ran her fingers over the small scar on Dazai's side.

Dazai sat on the couch of the Oda siblings' apartment, holding his shirt up so Sayu could inspect his now healed wound.

"I told you that you didn't have to worry," Dazai replied, dropping his shirt back down.

"And I told you that I always worry," Sayu shot back.

"You're not gonna stop her from worrying. Take it from me. She's a nightmare when I get even a papercut," Odasaku joked as he sat in the recliner, looking up from the book in his hand.

Dazai grimaced as he looked at the older redhead. "I know. Last time I got hurt, she was like a mother hen. I can only imagine what it'll be like when she is a mother."

"I think I'd make a great mother," Sayuri replied as she sat back.

"Didn't say you wouldn't. I just know how protective you'll be," Dazai clarified, but she just crossed her arms. Osamu grinned while wrapping his arms around Sayu. "You better be a good mother with all the practice you have with this child right here."

Odasaku chuckled lightly as he watched Dazai hang off of his sister. "He's got a point."

Sayuri smiled a bit, letting her weight lean against Dazai. Her phone went off and she grabbed it, looking at who had texted her.

"Why is that hat rack texting you? Doesn't he know that you're my partner, not his?" Dazai griped as he pouted.

"Calm down, Osa. He's just asking about the party tomorrow night," Sayuri replied, waving off his comments.

Odasaku glanced up from his book once again to look at his sister. "Party?"

"Yeah. Koyo's birthday was last week. A few of her friends in the mafia decided to throw a big party for her, now that she has some free time. You could come if you want to, Saku," Sayuri offered.

"I'll think about it," he replied before continuing to read his book.

"You should wear the dress that I got you," Dazai spoke as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "I haven't seen it on you yet."

"I think I will. I'm too lazy to go out and buy a new dress, so that works," Sayuri said, closing her eyes. "Now shush. I wanna sleep."

"Yes, your highness," Dazai mumbled.

Sayu wriggled out of Dazai's grasp and curled up against the arm of the couch.

"Am I that uncomfortable?" Dazai pouted as he sat on the opposite side of the couch.

"I figured you wouldn't want me sleeping on you. Didn't know if you wanted to leave or something," she replied as she tugged the blanket off the back of the sofa so it covered her body.

Dazai crossed his arms as he looked at her. "Maybe I wanted you to sleep on me. Not like I've got anything better to do."

"Suit yourself," Sayu said before pushing herself up and shoving Dazai down onto the couch. He grunted in surprise but allowed her to lay herself on top of him. He rested his hands on her back as she rested her head on his chest, bringing the blanket closer to her face. "You are pretty comfy."

Dazai hummed and just watched quietly as her eyes closed. He looked over at Odasaku who was still engrossed in his novel. He was comfortable in the home that the siblings shared. While he enjoyed the solidute he had with his shipping container, being with the Oda siblings made him feel less lonely even in the silence.

He closed his own eyes, but his mind wouldn't shut down. He listened to the occasional page being flipped a few feet away from him, and the feeling of Sayuri's breathing kept him grounded.

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