Chapter 6 - Bulletproof Love

Start from the beginning

In a dazy state, I traversed over shit and drunk people to find a glass of milk or something, to not cure this headache, just to numb the pain.

I eventually - some-fucking-how - climbed a staircase leading me to the 2nd floor of this gargantuan house - so large its ginormosity dwarves existing houses, like planets to other smaller planets - and found just a table with a jug of milk and conveniently a cup dispensary, which I so ostentatiously used to hopefully numb the pain.

I drank the cup of milk with sheer proficiency, and I felt right as rain.

Then my existential dread hit me as I knew one of my older brothers loved milk.

Then out of nowhere, as tears dripped from my eyes to the dense, high-quality floor, I screamed my lungs out in C-minor that reached from this block to the next, probably.

Then due to hypoxia because I used too much oxygen to scream, I collapsed.

Then I noticed that the door in front of me was open, and through the gap, I saw Hunter and Willow, just sleeping, chilling on their glorious satin sheets and double-decker bed, because they ain't poor, I could tell-ya' that much.

But then also noticed that I can't move... like, my legs properly.

I am just stuck, on the floor.

With nothing to do, I decided to just watch what happened, and I'll tell you what, nothing happened, for like, 30 minutes.

Then... something happened.

It wasn't clear, so I used some of my existing magic to enchant my body for an hour or so: heightened senses. I can hear, smell, even move better, which meant that I could feel my legs again, but it drains my magic a lot, so I only use it when I absolutely have to, with my drunkenness getting the better of my good personality, I took advantage of my magic to see if they're gonna... um... get it on. They're drunk, and so am I, so I'm not gonna remember this at all.

I used my advanced hearing to see what was going on, and I heard... heartbeats? Really fast ones; it seems that Willow is having some form of bad dream, and it's getting worse.

I then saw her wake up from this nightmare, wearing possibly the most adorable night-gown I've ever seen, hiding... something. I don't know. Even with heightened vision, it's not clear, especially since they're sleeping in pretty much complete darkness. Well, not exactly. There's one nightlight, and it's on its last legs, so it's about as dim as cemetery grounds. Like, get more nightlights, yo! Who sleeps with just one nightlight? 3 is the minimum, and even then, I can't handle that. 4 nightlights for me, even though I wear a blindfold when I go to sleep.

I then see her getting close to Hunter, wearing just a gray shirt and a green pair of pajamas. The worst contrast I could think of.

I see her putting her head on his chest, feeling out his heartbeat, which I decided to eavesdrop, which came up to be of a crystalline quality. Yup, he's a Grimwalker. But she seems worried about him, by the look of her eyes, giving off a clandestine worrisome likeness.

"That's right," she whispered: "you basically... no. No no no, he's here now, I shouldn't think about that. We built up a perfect life for each other. Why am I still having these nightmares?"

Then she broke out in tears, crying on his shoulder.

"What is she worrying about?" I wondered in my head. "She's got it all, with her hands like houses and selfish machines destroyed."

"I was stupid." Willow said tearfully. "If only I was there... maybe he would've... *cries even more*"

Then I saw Hunter carefully caress her head, beholding his stoic nature and assuring her that all is well.

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