016 falling harder

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"yeah but i can't be here..."

and with that gracie's face dropped, "i thought—i thought we were cool with hanging out in private. y'know we were gonna sneak it around your publicist, matt, the world, our parents? we can just stay in here we don't need to go anywhere," she reassured, gently reaching a hand out to charlotte.

charlotte shook her head as she continued to move all too fast for her condition around the bed in search for her socks, "i'm sorry, i have to go," she firmly said, fracturing gracie's heart a little.

she gulped back as hot flashes of sweat began to hit her, making her pause. finally, she saw her socks across from her in the bed and lurched forwards to them, and doing so causing her stomach to flip as she covered her mouth.

"oh," gracie reached for the bedside trashcan she had placed and moved it underneath charlotte, who immediately puked what she hopes was the final remains of last night into the trashcan.

charlotte cringed in embarrassment, thankfully she didn't have the memory of doing this last night, she probably would've died if she did.

she spat into the trash and pulled away, "fuck, i'm so sorry," she said, placing her head in her hands in exhaustion.

gracie chuckled, "don't worry about it, i was prepared," she said, motioning to the trashcan before she got up to go get rid of it.

"mother fucker," charlotte groaned, slamming her face into a pillow, utterly embarrassed to her core. "i'll buy you a million cups of coffee as an apology!" she called out to gracie.

"just drink your water, druggie," gracie teased from the hallway before walking back in. "feel better?"

"a little," charlotte said, rubbing her sore stomach. "but i still need to go—"

"no, not after you just puked your guts out and are still completely trashed," gracie said, falling into bed beside charlotte. "please, let me take care of you, i feel like really shitty about what you went through yesterday."

charlotte frowned and accepted her fate, "okay fine. but none of it was your fault, it was mine for taking a drink from a rando." she paused and then smirked, "he was kinda hot though so..."

gracie rolled her eyes and playfully slapped a pillow at charlotte.

"hey um, i know i steal a lot of your clothes, but can i borrow a hoodie, there's um puke on this," charlotte cringed, pointing down at gracie's shirt she was wearing.

gracie nodded, "of course, you can just have this all my other hoodies are in the wash." and with that, the brunette pulled off her hoodie to reveal herself in just her bra underneath. she tossed the hoodie to charlotte, who was stuck once again in admiration.

those fucking abs would be the death of her. but also, something was different now. charlotte noticed gracie's gotten a little thinner from the last time she saw her body, the night they got photographed at that event. but maybe she was just working out more—but then charlotte also remembered how little gracie eats—

"you gonna put it on?" gracie chuckled as she pulled on a long sleeve shirt while charlotte was too busy staring.

"oh yeah," charlotte awkwardly said and took her shirt off to put on the hoodie. gracie once again avoided any looking for some reason. "cozy," she mumbled, hugging herself as the hoodie was already nice and warm from when gracie was wearing it, who's cheeks went pink.


After a very long phone call with a hysterically concerned lily and taking a roughly two hour nap back in gracie's bed while she went for a run and to the gym, charlotte woke up and took liberty of wondering around gracie's luxurious apartment.

"'sup weenie," she cooed to the small dog padding after her as she defended the stairs.

as charlotte was looking at the photo's that covered one of the walls, she noticed a new addition. it was a photo of charlotte and gracie, high out of their minds from that one night in the alley way, smiling up at gracie's phone she was holding above them with her head leaned on charlotte's shoulder in the cold NYC air. she noticed that the photo took place of where an old picture of gracie and alex was. she even replaced the frame.

below the photo wall was a record player with numerous vinyl's on a shelf, some of which were many copies of gracie's. considering she hasn't taken the time to listen to her music yet, charlotte grabbed a copy of 'this is what it feels like' and placed the record onto the turntable and dropped the needle.

and almost immediately, charlotte fell ten times harder for gracie by the sounds of her singing voice. she stood there listening with her mouth agape, and her ears pleasantly in love. she sat on the floor, and listened. she sat there throughout the whole album and took in as much as she could first listen.

if there was one main thing charlotte learned, it was that gracie could really write sad songs that ripped her apart. after finishing 'alright' charlotte felt that pit of aching sadness she had in herself to give gracie the biggest fucking hug of her life. she even got a good amount of tears out, as she wiped them away and put the record back, just as the front door opened and weenie darted out of charlotte's lap and to the door.

"hi bubba," gracie smiled and scooped up her dog, not able to see charlotte behind the counter who popped up and scared the life out of her. "jesus christ charlotte!" gracie jumped, almost dropping weenie.

"hi," charlotte smiled, and before she knew it she was walking up to embrace gracie in a hug.

"hi," gracie replied, sounding confused. "um, i'm sweaty."

charlotte let go and stepped back, "yeah but i needed to give you that. i kinda sorta just listened to the famous 'this is what it feels like.'"

gracie's face went blank before a smile creeped onto her smile with a blush, "oh. did you like it?"

"loved it and all the pain it brought me."

charlotte was practically head over her heels seeing the proud smile on gracie's face and her eyes lit up. her heart beat sped as gracie ran a hand through her hair and leaned closer to charlotte so she could place her water bottle on the counter.

"i guess i'll have to go and watch some of your movies now huh," she rasped, still out of breath from her workout.

a small "uh-huh" as all charlotte could reply with given how flustered she was before watching gracie lean away and lick those soft pink lips.

"i'm gonna go shower," she sighed, tilting her head back in exhaustion.

"okay," charlotte replied, watching gracie go towards the stairs. "hey um, i got work tomorrow morning, you think you could drop me off later tonight?"

"yeah of course," gracie nodded before disappearing upstairs.

charlotte let a deep breath she was holding in from the second gracie walked in in her gym clothes and bit into her bottom lip.

"fuck," she whispered, knowing that this stupid little crush she developed was growing and gracie sure isn't helping getting rid of it.


why does it not feel like spring break

invisible string • Gracie AbramsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora