silence is appreciated

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"I'm dying aren't I?" it wasn't really much of a question. It was more rhetorical. I already knew the answer yest it was hard for someone to actually say a three letter word back to you because they want you to stay strong but what can you say, reality hasn't hit them like a truck like it has for me. They choose the two letter word cos it's easier to except the truth. Right?

And then there are those who give you long speeches of how we will "fight it together" or "you will get better 'I promise'". Don't give me false hope. It won't make me feel better. It will just hurt more when someone burns that hope into ashes.

He squeezes my hand tighter and stays silent. I thank him for the silence. He's aware of the truth. I never wanted him to try and answer. Let him acknowledge the fact that I'll be gone soon

I start to become dizzy as my surroundings spin at maximum speed. My eyesight becomes blurry and there it's like a someone's playing the drums inside my head as loud as they can. I try to speak, let the words pour out of me but I can't, I'm trapped. My breathing falters, my chest feels heavy as if a ton of bricks have been stashed upon me. My vision starts to disappear but before I go, I hear a load of screaming and beeping and feel a lot of pushing and pulling and I smell a lot of cologne and medicine and I taste oxygen and then I see nothing...

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