vii. ryley nation is winning

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RYO EXHALED ANXIOUSLY, the interview on his phone was paused and he could feel his heart beating faster by the second.

not even two minutes ago Bailey had sent him the link to the interview they had talked about the other day. he didn't know why he was feeling this way. he knew him and bailey were friends. but still, thinking about Bailey talking about him in an interview brought butterflies to his stomach (and not the good ones).

after overthinking everything that could happened he finally played the video. he watched as Bailey and Jamie introduced themselves and played around with some Legos they had been given.

the beginning of the interview was based in some questions that he had already asked her when they were getting to know each other. at times Ryo stopped paying attention to whatever they were saying and just concentrated on looking at the girl. she was playing around with Jamie as the both answered the questions and laughed together. it made him smile every time he noticed Bailey's dimple making an appearance.

after almost four and a half minutes of the video the question he was expecting the most finally came. "Recently a K-pop idol admitted that he 'fell in love with you'," the interviewer made quotation marks with her hands. " in one of his letterboxd reviews for the movie. how do you feel about this?" she asked bailey.

Ryo noticed Jamie taking his hand to his mouth to hold in a laugh. "yeah, bailey. tell us all about it" he said.

"i've been talking to Ryo these last few days and he's such a nice guy. if he was actually in love with me i would feel very flattered" Bailey smiled and looked at the camera trying not to give too much information away. "he's actually a cool dude, i talked to him too" Jamie agreed with her.

Ryo felt like his heart was going to bust in any minute. his hearing was almost fading away by the loud sound of his heart. he didn't even have time to react before someone came into his room and ruined his moment.

"why are you smiling so much? your face is red" jungwon looked at him weirdly.

"it's nothing" ryo shut his phone off and got up from his bed. "let's go eat something"

i watched the interview
i'm glad you feel that way about me(:
i think you're really nice too

i'm glad you watched it!!
did you like it?

i loved it
i was laughing so much
you and jamie have so much chemistry

i'm actually really glad you watched it ryo
i meant every word i said

bailey🪷tysm!i'm actually really glad you watched it ryoi meant every word i said

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i lied. this chapter was also boring
but!! we get interactions of them at least!
please remember to comment and vote(:
btw i literally have NO inspiration for the
next chapter like there's not one word in it 😭
so if i don't post anything tomorrow that's why

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