"That's not funny."

"Come on, it was a little bit funny." She puffed like she was mad but I could tell that she really wasn't. I smiled as I got close to her. "I'm irresistible to you." I said before kissing her neck. She giggled a little before she pulled me away.

"Yes you are." She whispered against my lips before kissing me. After what felt like minutes passed she pulled away. "So, what do you want to watch?"


"Babe I'm serious."

"Me too. You kiss me like that and then ask what I want to watch? I want to watch you undress" her cheeks turned red before she cleared her throat.

"Can we just cuddle?" I smiled and nodded my head.

"Of course." I said before I took her hand in mine and led her over to the bed. I handed her the remote. "How about you choose what we watch?"

"Oooo, such power." She said as she took the remote and started surfing through the movies. She finally stopped when she saw one of her favorite movies. Once she clicked on it she laid her head on my chest and put her hand under my shirt as I started to slowly rub her back. About twenty minutes into the movie I looked down and saw that she had her eyes closed but I knew she wasn't asleep because of her breathing. She was quiet for a few more minutes before she finally said something. "Are you ready for your parents to come here?" I smiled.

"Yeah I can't wait to see them. You know this is the longest I've been away from them. Well, away from my mom."

"I know." She bit her lip a little. "You think they're mad at me?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I basically kept the pregnancy from you...from them." I shook my head.

"They're not mad at you Ali. They love you and they're excited to meet their granddaughter." She smiled and buried her face into my shoulder. "Babe?"


"Can I ask you something?" She raised her head and looked at me.

"You can ask me anything."

"After Isabel, do you want more kids?" She raised her eyebrows.

"You're already thinking about getting me pregnant again?" I laughed.

"Not right away. We still have to finish school. I was just asking if you want more kids."

"Of course I want more of your babies, but I still want to adopt like we talked about." She said while smiling. "We should get a big house when we finish college." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"We can get anything you want." She pulled back and looked me in my eyes.

"I just want a beautiful life with you." I smiled at her.

"That's all I want too."

"I love you."

"I love you too." She snuggled as close as she could to me and closed her eyes as she let out a yawn. I spread the blanket across us and watched some of the movie before I fell asleep.

Ali's POV

"Wake up Ali." I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw my mom standing over me. "Time for dinner."

"How come you never wake Emily up first?"

"Why should I when you always do?" She asked before she walked out of the room and closed the door. I looked down at Emily and smiled as I noticed that she fell asleep with her head on my stomach. I ran my hands through her hair while saying her name, trying to wake her up.

"Hmm?" She said as she stirred a little before she slowly opened her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, mom said it's time for dinner. Let's go wash up and head down there." She sighed and got out of bed, I smiled and took her hands when she reached for me. "Thank you baby." I said before kissing her cheek. She smiled and we went to wash our hands and headed down stairs.

"Finally." Jason said as we sat down at the table.

"Shut up, mom literally just left my room."

"Jason please stop acting like you're starving when you just ate like thirty minutes ago." Mom said as she looked at him with a stern look. Jason held his head down and I couldn't hold in the snicker as Emily pulled the chair away from the table and waited for me to sit down before sitting next to me.

"This looks great Mrs. DiLaurentis." Emily said and mom smiled at her.

"Thank you sweetie. See that, some appreciate what I do for them." She said as she looked at Jason and I could hear Jason mumble something under his breath before he grabbed his fork and started eating. Halfway through dinner dad started talking to Emily.

"Are your parents coming?" Emily smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes , they're coming in tomorrow. I have to pick them up from the airport at four and drop them off at the hotel."

"Hotel?" Both my mom and dad said at the same time.

"Nonsense..." My dad said and my mom cut him off.

"They shouldn't have to stay in the hotel. We're all family now, they can stay in the guest house." Emily looked at me with a shocked look on her face before she cleared her throat a little.

"That's very nice of you. I can call them and let them know after dinner. Thank you." I looked at my dad and noticed that he was staring at me. When he noticed that I was looking, he quickly looked down. Emily noticed our little exchange and squeezed my thigh.

Are you okay? she mouthed and I nodded my head before grabbing the roll off of her plate. She smiled and finished her food.

About twenty minutes later

"Are you sure you don't want any help Mrs. DiLaurentis?" Emily asked my mom as she started to clean the kitchen.

"I'm sure. You two have to wake up early tomorrow so you can go get your parents. Go get some sleep, I can handle the dishes." Emily looked like she was gonna ask again until my mom made a gesture with her hand saying get out of here while smiling. Emily turned to walk out of the kitchen and finally noticed me in the doorway. I held out my hand and she walked over to me and grabbed it.

"Let's go take a shower."

Thirty minutes later

"Seems like you're warming up to your dad." Emily said as she laid on the bed.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well... you didn't snap on him at dinner, so that's a start."

"Maybe because he hasn't said anything to me."

"Maybe you should give him a chance, baby. Now I know what he said was wrong but what's going to happen when Isabel's born? You're going to keep her away from him?"

"I don't want to talk about this right now baby." I said before I laid down next to her. She pulled me to her and kissed my cheek.

"Just think about it."

"I will. Now get some sleep cause you know you don't like to get up on time." I felt her pull me closer as I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight baby." She whispered and I smiled as she kissed my neck.

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